Chapter 4: Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes

The structure and naming of alkanes and cycloalkanes have been discussed in Chapter 2. Here we will learn another property of alkanes and cycloalkanes that comes from the bond rotation.

Learning Objectives for this chapter:

  • Understand the nature and properties of conformational isomers, and conduct conformation analysis of simple alkanes.
  • Rationalize and compare the relative stability of different cycloalkanes by understanding the three-dimensional structure of cycloalkanes and different types of strains.
  • Draw and recognize the chair conformation of cyclohexane; understand the orientation and property of axial and equatorial positions; explain the conformation interconversion process, and conduct conformation analysis of multi-substituted cyclohexane.
  • Understand and draw Newman projection of the chair conformation of cyclohexane.
  • Understand, identify and draw the geometric isomer and conformational isomer of multi-substituted cyclohexane.


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