Content Calendar

56 Summary

Key Takeaways

A content calendar is a tool that helps an organization to plan its website and social media campaigns. You should consider the post topics, content type, and post time in the content calendar. The following points are what you should keep in mind for creating a content calendar:

  • Using the correct template will help you properly align the content you publish with your target audience.
  • Important things to consider when using a content calendar: time frame, frequency of posts, type of content, goals, and objectives.
  • Setting short and long-term goals for your content calendar will aid you in maximizing the effectiveness of your campaign.
  • Decide what metrics will be used to measure the overall success of the content you post.
  • Metrics often include monitoring the engagement through ‘likes’ and comments on social media posts.
  • These metrics are available on the most popular social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Creating a content calendar through the included templates that work correctly for your organization will have a substantial effect on the success of your campaign.


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An Open Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Copyright © 2023 by Andrea Niosi and KPU Marketing 4201 Class of Summer 2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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