
IMC Guide in Action

60 Campaign Delivery

Campaign Objectives

The goal of SBC’s Better Snacking campaign is to increase the participants and registered families of the SBC Program. Additionally, SBC would like to create awareness in the community about this service and collect donations to sustain the launch of the program.

Campaign Strategy and Tactics

  1. June 2020 – October 2020: Collect donations to cover the cost of two meals a day for 150 students for the fall semester ($10,500).
  2. Gain a $20 monthly-payment service subscriber base of 200 people by September 15, 2020.
  3. Get 25% of students in the Surrey School District to sign up for Surrey Breakfast Club by September 15, 2020.
  4. October 2020: Get endorsed by a local social media influencer to raise awareness for the SBC
  5. June 2020 – August 2020: Gain more traction by 40% online by live streaming once bi-weekly

Campaign Touchpoints

1. Facebook Page and Events
2. Community Bulletin Boards
3. Local Farmer’s Markets
4. School Events

Campaign Timeline and Budget

SBC will begin the Better Snacking campaign on June 1, 2020, and run it until October 2, 2020, with the official launch of Surrey Breakfast Club on September 14, 2020.

2020 Timeline
Activity June July August September October
Campaign Launch Yes No No No No
Advertising Campaigns Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Program Launch No No No No Yes

The Canadian and B.C. government supply the initial funds of $6,500 which will be used to pay initial workers and create resources to collect donations. From this donation, $5,000 will be put towards advertising.

2020 Advertising Budget
Budget Spending
Total $5,000
Transit Ads ($2,000)
Social Media Ads ($1,500)
Newspaper Ads ($700)
Posters ($700)
Flyers/Brochures ($100)


SBC will track monthly enrollment to the Better Snacking Campaign in a simple and easy to read way:

2020 Monthly Enrollment
Month Total Participants Full-Time Enrolled Part-Time Enrolled
January 2020 55 44 10
February 75 60 15
March 81 63 18
April 101 78 23
May 88 62 26
June 70 49 21

Vendor & Supplier Sourcing

To promote the workshop event, SBC will require 20, 24″ × 36″ print advertising to post around the school grounds. During the event, they will need one 6′ × 3′ banner showcasing the event name and the sponsor’s logo in full colour which will be placed at the entrance of the schools. The banner will need to be sturdy and reusable throughout the campaign. Additional way-finding signage will also be needed to direct attendees to the auditorium. There will also be pamphlets that will be distributed during the event.

The organization needs to outsource the printing of the large format banner and poster-sized ads. All standard sized prints including the pamphlets and signage can be printed in-house using office printers to save cost.

Vendor List

A vendor tracker that has information about two printer vendors, key contact information, and notes.
Image screenshot of a vendor tracker Vendor Management Template via Smartsheets

Vendor Assessment

To compare and assess the potential vendors for print advertising, SBC can use a table that allows them to evaluate the companies based on the criteria set out by the campaign manager. Each criterion is assigned a weighted factor reflecting what is most important to the organization. The suppliers/vendors are also graded on a scale range from 1 to 5 (1 being the worst-rated and 5 the best). The grading is multiplied by the weight factor and then tallied to achieve a total rating.

Vendor Scoring Sheet
Evaluation Criterion Weight Factor Minuteman Press Surrey Digital
Price .3 2 (0.6) 4 (1.2)
Quality of Product/Work .2 5 (1.0) 4 (0.8)
Delivery Lead Time .15 4 (0.6) 4 (0.6)
Experience .2 5 (1.0) 4 (0.8)
Flexibility .05 3 (0.15) 3 (0.15)
Financial Standing .05 5 (0.25) 5 (0.25)
Organizational Potential .05 5 (0.25) 5 (0.25)
Total 1.0 3.85 4.05

In this example, Surrey Digital Printers scored the best out of the shortlisted companies with pricing being a big factor.

Marketing Communications

A content calendar helps the SBC stay organized to promote the Better Snacking program. It contains a set schedule of when and what to post on all social media platforms that the organization chooses to focus on.

A content calendar for one day that shows what content is being posted to what platforms and when.
Sample content calendar

Click the link for an example of how the SBC has conducted their social media content calendar: SBC Content Calendar


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An Open Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Copyright © 2023 by Andrea Niosi and KPU Marketing 4201 Class of Summer 2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.