

22 Persona Examples

Examples of online personas to target, found on Socialbrite.com, are key influencers, engagers, multichannel consumers, and standard consumers. Key influencers are those that are actively listening and want to help spread the message of nonprofit organizations. Engagers are those that will share their opinion and views on the marketer’s cause. Multichannel consumers can be reached online and offline to help marketers cause. Lastly, the standard consumer will help the marketer’s cause if they have a personal connection or feel strongly about it. The marketer’s goal should be to reach the key influencers.

Key Influencers (The Loud Minority)

  • They’re all ears. Provide them compelling, bite-size content that’s easy to distribute. Give ’em early access to info and announcements.
  • Natural recruiters. They can help get the word out about fundraising, advocacy and volunteering.
  • Citizen journalists. They help determine public discussions on social networks.
  • Massive reach. Their posts are widely read and shared by more people than posts generated by any other group.
A cartoon man with 6 arms holding a phone, keyboard, a sign, typewriter, and bull horn.
Photo by John Haydon from Socialbrite is licened under a CC BY-NC 3.0 licence.

Engagers (An Army of Messengers)

  • Broadcasters. They generate posts to their healthy social networks.
  • BFFs. They are strong influencers of people they know personally.
  • Scout’s honour: They’ve earned the trust of their massive social groups.
  • Opinionated! Get them to share their thoughts on your cause.
  • Informers. They share information with their social networks.
A cartoon woman with 5 arms holding a phone, a wallet full of contacts, a microphone, and one hand signing scout's honour.
Photo by John Haydon from Socialbrite is licened under a CC BY-NC 3.0 licence.

Multichannel Consumers (Social Connoisseurs)

  • Offline too! Reach them at offline touch points and invite them to participate in online social media.
  • Friendlies. They influence to some extend via normal friend-to-friend engagement.
  • Takin’ it easy. Due to their level of activity, their sphere of influence is not a dominant part of their persona.
Fundraising tip: Create low-barrier opportunities to increase their connection with your brand on social networks by soliciting feedback, votes, or personal stories. This will create a constant path if information flow to this group even though their action rate on social networks will be moderate.
A cartoon man with four arms holding movie tickets, a coffee, and a cell phone. One hand is in his pocket so he looks relaxed.
Photo by John Haydon from Socialbrite is licened under a CC BY-NC 3.0 licence.

Standard Consumers (Quiet-ish Majority)

  • Do I know you? Almost exclusively get social content from friends and family members.
  • Solo-cial. They’ll either use Twitter or Facebook, but not both!
Fundraising tip: This group also needs very low barrier opportunities to increase their connection to your mission, but in this case it is more likely through a personal experience with you or by supporting someone they know with a fundraising donation.
A cartoon woman with two arms. She is holding a picture frame of family and a laptop that says Twitter or Facebook.
Photo by John Haydon from Socialbrite is licened under a CC BY-NC 3.0 licence.



This page contains material taken from:

Haydon, J., & Says, S. (2012, September 14). 4 kinds of online personas your nonprofit needs to deal with. Retrieved from https://www.socialbrite.org/2012/07/16/4-kinds-of-online-personas-your-nonprofit-needs-to-deal-with/


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An Open Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Copyright © 2023 by Andrea Niosi and KPU Marketing 4201 Class of Summer 2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.