
20 Professional Development Funds for Faculty (KFA)

The purposes of professional development (PD) for faculty members include maintaining currency in subject matter, instructional processes, technological developments, learning materials, library holdings, and professional skills related to their position with the University.

For the purposes of allocating PD funds, KPU programs/disciplines are grouped and defined in the Collective Agreement under Article 16. Each grouping has its own PD Committee, which has its own guidelines for the approval of PD applications. Please check the PD guidelines for your own grouping. The Professional Development Application Form can be found here.

Also, you can access Personal PD funds, up to $100, through KPU Accounts Payable. Allowable expenses include travel; registration fees; tuition fees; and associated expenses related to meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, membership fees in learned societies, service organizations and professional organizations, books, subscriptions to scholarly and professional journals, and magazines, newspapers, and computer software.

Make your Personal PD request on an Expense Report, attach original scanned receipts and send via email to Accounts Payable. Intercampus mail can also be used and is checked twice weekly. An approval signature is not required. The deadline for submission of expense reports is typically March 15th for the current fiscal year. You can submit claims at any time during the fiscal year to ensure they can be processed prior to the March 15th deadline.

All faculty members (non-regular type 1, non-regular type 2, and regular) are eligible to apply for further university PD funds through the 0.6% Faculty Professional Development Fund. Applications are accepted three times per year: February 1, June 1, and October 1. The minimum award is $1,000; provisions exist to support applications for $20,000 or more. Further information about the 0.6% Faculty Professional Development Fund is available on the Office of Research and Scholarship website.

Please consult the Collecti​ve Agreement for more details about all these funds. Please see Articles 16.01 and 16.03 to 16.05.


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