
18 Policies and Procedures

All employees are governed by the University Bylaws and Policies and the applicable collective agreement. As a KPU employee, you are responsible for making yourself aware of all University policies, which set out expectations and responsibilities, as well as any amendments made to such policies during the course of your employment. KPU policies are crafted in the context of a polytechnic university with a mandate to serve its region through teaching, research, and services, and its commitment to academic freedom, synergistic community relationships, and achieving the goals of its strategic plan: relevance, quality, and reputation.

In addition, all employees should familiarize themselves with their applicable collective agreement and their rights and obligations under it.

Bylaws and Policies

KFA/KPU Collective Agreement

BCGEU/KPU Collective Agreement​


Faculty and Instructional Staff Handbook Copyright © by Faculty and Instructional Staff Handbook Working Group. All Rights Reserved.