6. Biological Influences on Criminal Behaviour
6.6 Discussion Questions
Dr. Gail Anderson
- Some cases show that something clearly biological or medical may have triggered aggressive behaviour, such as a brain tumour in a paedophile. In such a case, should a person be punished for what they did, even if not punishing them means they are still a danger to society? How should such situations be handled by the criminal justice system?
- Although a great deal of research has identified risk factors for antisocial behaviour, it has also identified a number of protective factors. Discuss at least two protective factors and how they could be helpful when considering a child at risk.
- An inherited factor such as skin colour or ancestry has often been used to support discrimination against a person, justifying this by saying that people with this factor are more likely to, for example, commit a crime. Discuss the reasons why this is entirely wrong and the real reasons why such factors may increase risk.
- Discuss how abuse, particularly in childhood, can impact responses to stressors in adulthood.
- Discuss the several biological risk factors that might help to explain the disproportionate incarceration of Indigenous Peoples.