9 Quality Indicators for High Impact Work Experiences
The following pages include recommendations compiled from a variety of sources, for quality work experiences and inclusive practices in general. The practices listed below are specifically recommended for quality structured work experiences in BC’s ASE ER programs:
- The work experience conditions and type are chosen to meet the individual’s needs at his/her stage of career progression
- Clear and specific individual goals and outcomes are established for each work experience
- Each experience is chosen specifically to support the individual’s goals and outcomes
- While it is hoped that the experience will be mutually beneficial, the host site has indicated a clear understanding that the priority of the experience is a commitment to the student’s learning (and not the employer’s needs for example, labour shortage)
- The work site is safe and accessible (see checklists in risk management/safety section)
- The student has completed workplace safety training and is aware of their rights/responsibilities
- The student has been educated about labour standards
- The site meets the student’s personal logistical needs and requirements (within a reasonable travel distance, hours to accommodate personal health considerations, etc.)
- The site will provide a range of authentic learning opportunities
- All activities performed by the student worker are within the scope of duties performed by regular employees (i.e., no “make-work” projects or volunteer activities)
- The site will include the student as a full member of its community (e.g., included in break routines, etc.)
- Roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined for all parties (student, employer/trainer, post-secondary personnel, etc.)
- A supervisor/mentor will be available to the student at all times (e.g., if the regular supervisor is away, an alternate will be designated and introduced)
- The work experience activities provide direct links to class material
- PSE personnel monitoring the WEP will have sufficient expertise to ensure learning expectations are being met and individualized plan is being followed
- PSE personnel will have full access to the student and allowed access to regularly monitor the experience
- The student will receive formative and summative feedback from both site and ASE personnel
- Supports and accommodations will be clearly outlined and communicated
- Opportunities for reflection will be built in throughout the experience, as well as post WEP
- The WEP provides enough time, and sufficient variety and scope of experiences to allow the student to assess the personal suitability of the work
- The length/hours of the WEP are determined with the individual’s learning goals and individual needs in mind
- Sufficient record keeping tools and mechanisms are in place to document hours, progress, etc.
- Documentation, checklists, etc. are written in plain language and available in alternate formats to suit student communication needs
- Workplace culture supports a commitment to learning and growth