
3.1 Research ~1.5 hrs


PURPOSE OF THE TASK: Through this task you will build on your understanding of constructivist practices in building an online community.

TECHNOLOGY: You will post your findings  to a Moodle forum as a means of contributing to the larger discussion.


Individually, research and post a list of three sound online building community practices to the discussion forum entitled 3.1 Research by clicking on this link; include a brief explanation for each. Be sure to include at least one new citation that has not yet appeared in the course readings.


By sharing academic articles with the learning community, learners actively engage with the material and contribute to knowledge creation. “Inquiry-based [learning] methods… enable students to learn about a topic through self-directed investigations” (Lazonder & Harmsen, 2016, p. 681).


Lazonder, A. W., & Harmsen, R. (2016). Meta-analysis of inquiry- based learning: Effects of guidance. Review of Educational Research, 86(3), 681-718. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3102/0034654315627366



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