
Unidad 3 – Las descripciones (Unit 3 – Descriptions)

A picture of a cartoon group of diverse people.
People in a diverse crowd

Learning Objectives

  • To describe yourself and others physically.
  • To talk about personality traits.
  • To talk about professions and occupations.
  • To reflect on cultural perceptions of privacy and private spaces within the Spanish-speaking world.

Unidad 3 Contenido (Unit 3 Content)

Primera Parte (Part 1) Segunda Parte (Part 2) Tercera Parte (Part 3)
Vocabulario (Vocabulary) Vocabulario (Vocabulary) Vocabulario (Vocabulary)
Las descripciones en español (Descriptions in Spanish) Las profesiones y ocupaciones (Professions and occupations) 1. Los días de la semana (The days of the week)
2. Los adverbios de tiempo en español (Adverbs of time in Spanish)
Gramática (Gramar) Gramática (Gramar) Gramática (Gramar)
Adjetivos, género y pluralización en español (Adjectives, gender and pluralization in Spanish) 1. Los artículos indefinidos y definidos en español (Indefinite and definite articles in Spanish) 1. El presente progresivo en español (The present continuous in Spanish)
2. El presente simple indicativo de los verbos regulares (Simple present tense of regular verbs) 2. El presente simple indicativo vs el presente progresivo (Simple present tense vs present continuous)
3. Resumen del presente simple indicativo de los verbos regulares -ar, -er-, ir en español (Summary of the simple present tense of regular verbs ending in -ar, -er, ir in Spanish)
Cultura hispanohablante (Spanish-speaking Culture) Cultura hispanohablante (Spanish-speaking Culture) Cultura hispanohablante (Spanish-speaking Culture)
Mujeres hispanohablantes destacadas (Featured Spanish-speaking women) Diversidad étnica en el mundo hispanohablante (Ethnic diversity in the Spanish-speaking world) La percepción de la privacidad en el mundo hispanohablante (Perception of privacy in the Spanish-speaking world)


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