
15 Task 12: Prepare Your Presentation

Learning Objectives

By the time you complete this section, you will be able to:

  • Create a professionally appropriate PowerPoint
  • Verbally communicate highlights of your marketing plan to an audience

Using PowerPoint to Create Slides

  1. Add Text to Slides
  • Don’t put too much text on each slide. Too many words are hard to read, confusing, and tiring
  • Use punctuation when you use complete sentences.
  • Use font styles that are easy to read.
  • Use at least 24 font size, larger for headings or titles.
  • Use colours, bold text, and underlining
  1. Add visuals (pictures, charts, and diagrams) to slides

Pictures should relate to the content on your slide

You can include:

  • Images/ pictures
  • Graphs, charts, tables

Organize Your Ideas

A presentation has three parts:  The introduction (beginning), the body (middle) and the conclusion (end). To plan your presentation, decide what you will say in each section.

  Purpose My ideas for this section





1.     Starts with something interesting

2.     Tells your main point

3.     Tells what you will talk about











1.     Presents your main points

2.     Gives information to support your ideas

**Remember to clearly indicate where you found your information.  Use phrases like “according to…” or “in a study by…”







·       Tells the main point again

·       Reviews what you talked about

·       Makes a final statement



Giving the Presentation:  Using your Voice and Body Language

  • Use your breath (don’t forget to breathe)
  • Check your volume  (speak loudly)
  • Change pitch  (make sure your voice goes up and down when it should)

Body Language and Communication:

Much of our communication is non-verbal (we communicate with our body and actions, not only by what we say).

  • Use natural gestures (hand movements)
  • Look at your audience when you present
  • Don’t read your presentation
  • Dress nicely for your presentation
Activity:  Watch a TED talk on the internet.  How does the speaker use their voice and body when they present?







 Practice Your Presentation

  • Practice your presentation with a friend or family member.
  • Record yourself and watch how you speak.
  • Time yourself – is your presentation too long or too short? [1]

Top Ten Reasons Why Your Presentation Stinks!  (from KPU Marketing Faculty Bob Crockett)

Reason #10:  It’s all data no story

Make your presentation tell a story, ideally with the audience as the heroes.

Reason #9: Your visuals are too fancy

Use the minimum visuals that you need to tell the story

REASON #8: Your slide background is too busy!

         Use a simple, single color background. Always.

REASON #7: Your fonts are unreadable!

Use large fonts in simple faces (like Ariel); avoid boldface, italics and UPPERCASE.

REASON #6: Your graphics are too complex!

         Only include simple graphics; highlight the data point that’s important.

REASON #5: You are all opinion, no fact!

         Only state opinions that you can back up with quantifiable data.

REASON #4: You speak fluent biz-blab!

         Just stop it. Cold turkey.

REASON #3: You drifted off topic!

         Only include material that’s relevant to your overall message.

REASON #2: It was too d**n long!

Always make your presentation less than half as long as you think it should be.

REASON #1: You read from your slides!

         Use slides to reinforce your message rather than to outline your data points.


  1. Materials developed by: Marti Alger, Learning Strategist (marti.alger@kpu.ca) and adapted by Christina Page, Learning Strategist (christina.page@kpu.ca) Based on : Writing Center, Texas A. and M. University. (2017, October 03).Oral Presentations. Retrieved from http://writingcenter.tamu.edu/Classroom-Workshops/Graduate/Oral-Presentations


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Marketing Plan Project Workbook Copyright © 2019 by Pamela Ip and Christina Page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.