12 Interview Scripts (Opening and Closing)
Arley’s comments:
You’ve done a lot well here. You’ve organized your information clearly and have given lots of examples and visuals. You’ve also explained the types of questions that will be in the script. However, when revising, we’ll need to look at source use. There are some sentences and phrases from the original sources that have been included in the document, though the author has made an attempt to cite. We will need to paraphrase these. Also, the graphics don’t have a Creative Commons license, so we will need to make our own or find other sources. We also might want to give a sample script, so the reader can see how these progress.
Judy’s comments:
There is a lot of good information here which is structured and organized well, making it easy to follow and read. However, the focus here is on interview question vs. focusing on creating a script for the opening and closing of an interview. Moving forward what needs to be done is to review the material from Week 5 which pertains to opening and closing an interview and then research this topic further to create guidelines (or tips) for both opening and closing a job interview as well as prepare and include sample scripts for both.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will learn
- Introduction
- Types of interview questions
- Open-Ended interview questions
- Guidelines to prepare open-ended interview analysis
- objectives of preparing guidelines
- Sample script of open-ended interview
- Close-Ended interview questions
- Guidelines to prepare Close-Ended interview
- Sample script of Close-Ended interview
- More information about the open-ended and close-ended interview
- Conclusion
An interview script refers to a set of questions and answers which is likely to be answered by the candidate, it is more of a streamlined process so that they can be prepared as much as possible. Although those candidates have no idea what type of questions are asked such scripts help to feel more confident and relaxed before attending an interview. Each HR department holds a different interview script to find the right candidate. There are a few steps to consider while formatting an interview script, to keep it organized firstly, one should prepare interviewer questions and then interviewee answers. (LaRock, 2019) In this section, we are going to get a deeper insight into the opening and closing interview scripts, as these are the main areas where we can analyze the personality or presentation of our candidate.
Types of Interview Questions
It is important to get prepared well before taking an interview as it is the responsibility of the interviewer to analyze and understand the skills and talents of the candidate, which required asking both open-ended and closed-ended questions rest all the questions come along while conversing with the candidate. The interview questions are classified into 4 as follows:
- Open-ended interview questions
- Closed-ended interview questions
- Hypothetical Interview questions
- Outside-the-box interview questions
Open-ended Interview Questions
Open-ended questions are usually the questions to make the candidate feel relaxed and comfortable, these questions require thought and are obliged to reveal the job seeker’s attitudes and opinions, for example, behavioral questions. Here, the candidate demonstrates more about their communication skills, for this, the interviewer asks some personal and past experience-related questions. (Half, 2020)
Examples of Open-ended questions
- “Can you describe how you handle tight deadlines on the job?”
- “Can you give me an illustration of how you improved productivity at your last job?”
- “Why do you want to work for this company?”
- “What are your methods for avoiding errors?”
- “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?”
- “What’s the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced in any job?”
- “What direction do you see your career taking in five years?”
- “What does your ideal job look like?”
- “What could your current company do to be more successful?”
(Half, 2020)
When to use it?
These above-mentioned questions should be asked frequently throughout the interview process. This will help you be freer between certain questions or case types, and the interviewer should always ensure that these questions are combined with closed-ended questions. (Half, 2020)
Pitfall to avoid: The interviewer must ask the candidate to understand and answer the question, otherwise they may lose their way and probably will not answer the closed-ended question because both questions must be sufficiently linked. (Half 2020)
Benefits of Open-ended questions
- Allow Unlimited Answers – These questions will open a way to ask another set of questions. The interviewer has a great opportunity to gather a lot of information about the candidate. Different candidates carry out conversations in different ways from different angles.
- Provide Unexpected New Insights- Open-ended questions help elicit unexpected answers from different perspectives that the interviewer may never have thought of. For example, suggestions or solutions to different problems can allow the interviewer to understand the potential of the candidate.
- Provides more detail- Here, the responses prepared by the interviewer are just the way the candidate speaks, providing more nuance, explaining them more fluently, and leading to less ambiguous responses.
- Provides more detailed qualitative data- These types of questions provide more qualitative answers and help interviewers read between the lines and understand them as individuals.
- Express your views and opinions- Open-ended questions will allow interviewers to analyze the emotions, feelings, and personality of the person as they discuss the path or ideas based on their personality/point of view.
- Tracking the entire customer journey- Interviewers need to have a general understanding of their candidates to provide feedback and make them satisfied with their performance in the interview. (Learn, 2021)
Limitations of Open-ended questions
- Time-consuming– Here, the candidate is likely to talk about his life or personal experience in detail, which may lead to extended conversation time and the interviewer may not be able to complete the interview on time.
- Low response rate-If the candidate takes a long time to answer open-ended questions, this may result in fewer answers to closed-ended questions, and they may answer some questions prepared for closed-ended questions.
- Difficult to compare– Because the answers are objective, it will be a difficult task for the interviewer to compare and recall all answers with data points and consistent results.
- Irrelevant information– Some candidates may provide irrelevant information, which can lead to missing clues to the question and confusion when answering.
- Difficult to analyze-These problems are more difficult to analyze because they contain unstructured data and therefore are not easy to calculate. (Learn, 2021)
Guidelines to prepare an open-ended interview:
- Use Relevant Examples: Every question is answered with unlimited responses, but they won’t all get you the work. Tailor your response to suit the position by using relevant examples. When asked “If you’ll have the right job, what wouldn’t it be?” use the responsibilities related to the position to make your dream description, rather than sharing your fantasy of becoming a rocker.
- Be Specific: Interviewers ask vague inquiries to see where you’ll accompany them. Offer an in-depth response to color a transparent picture of the rationale you’re the simplest choice for the work. The more pointed your response is, the better it’ll be for the hiring manager to measure your fit. Rambling and veering off-track will only earn you a rejection letter.
- Practice Replies to Common Inquiries: Expect to be asked standard questions like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why are you the simplest person for the job?” Anticipate these inquiries before time and prepare a winning response. It is often difficult to consider an excellent reply on the spot, so do your homework and are available to the interview able to give your well-rehearsed reply.
- Let Your Personality Shine: Many companies ask quirky questions like “If you were an animal, which one would you be?” to urge a glimpse of your personality and see if you’d be an honest fit for their company culture. You can’t really anticipate these inquiries, so be able to think fast. Let your true personality show, because that’s what the interviewer wants to ascertain. If you’re an honest fit for the position, then great. If not, it’s better to understand now than after accepting an employment offers.
(Connelly, 2015)
What words are used?
When people speak, their communication often exceeds their intentions. Pay attention to the connotation of the words used by the interviewee. Look for ambiguous words that can have multiple meanings.
What is the context?
The interview did not happen in a vacuum; everything the interviewee said happened in a certain context. Sometimes, the context can have a significant impact on the results. For example, comments may be influenced by factors such as widespread media attention on related topics, local news about education cuts, etc.
To what extent are these beliefs, feelings, or thoughts shared?
One of the biggest challenges of qualitative research is to understand the level of attention paid to various comments. What is a major discovery, what is a minor discovery, and what is not a discovery at all?
Here are some simple guidelines to help you make these distinctions:
- Frequency and amplitude. How often does this view appear in interviews? How many people agree with this view? A widely held view or experience can be an important discovery, while a view that appears only once may not (unless it is a good idea or knowledge).
- Strength. How strongly do people feel about this view? Is the interviewee enthusiastic about a particular point of view, or is it neutral and carefree?
- Specificity. Are the interviewees’ feelings and beliefs based on specific personal feelings and experiences, or do they generally refer to “what most people say”? For example, in a particular OST program, the specific anecdote of injuries due to poor supervision should have more weight than the interviewee’s “everyone said that the place is not good”. (Workbook E, Page 17)
Sample script of Open-Ended interview
Open-Ended Interview script
Manager: Hi Daniel. Thank you for being here today. This is Gracey Katlyn Pleased to meet you.
Applicant: Hi, I am Daniel Cortez. Nice to meet you too.
Manager: Tell me about yourself.
Applicant: I am an excellent team member. I like to collaborate and contribute as much as possible during the project. If I finish my homework and have free time, I will ask my colleagues if I can do something for them. I always try to take the time to answer any questions, especially questions from new team members. I believe that teamwork and collaboration can help create better and more efficient results. ”
Manager: What are your greatest strengths?
Applicant: “I have always been a born leader. I also regularly hone my management skills through 360 reviews and candid meetings with the team, and I know that continuing to develop my leadership skills is the goal of my next position. ”
Manager: What is your motivation?
Applicant: One of my biggest motivations is the end-user experience. In my current role as a front-end developer, I know how many details can improve the product. I want to make sure that each button is in the best position, that the drop-down menu is correct, and that each page can be enlarged. Receiving positive feedback from clients or clients motivates me to do my best. ”
Manager: What makes you a suitable candidate for this job?
Applicant: Judging from the information I have gathered about your company; your company has a strong work system and you need organized employees to manage day-to-day operations. My Work experience shows that I have a history of success in organizing and communicating with employees. I look forward to using my skills to benefit the organization. ”
Manager: Where will you be in five years?
Applicant: Five Years later, I believe that I am in a middle management position in this company, and I have a strong view of top management. If possible, I want to take on the role of product manager and then maybe take a coaching position. I have worked hard to improve my leadership skills for success and growth, and this company is the ideal environment to do so.
Indeed Editorial Team (November 30, 2020)
Close-ended Interview Questions
The close-ended questions are usually simple answers which might be yes or no, multiple types, ordinal, interval, and ratio type questions which will help you to gain factual information. They can be complicated and confusing based on the answers given in open-ended questions. (Half, 2020)

Examples of Closed-ended questions:
- “How many years did you work for your last employer?”
- “Have you ever worked in a different industry?”
- “What’s the longest you’ve worked for any employer?”
- “Are you comfortable working remotely?”
- “Do you have much experience with social media?”
(Half, 2020)
When to use it?
These types of questions are best while eliciting or setting a stage for complex questions as they might get a path to answer or can make them feel relaxed while ending pleasantly. (Half, 2020)
Pitfall to avoid: The interviewer should not ask too many close-ended questions as the candidate can feel interrogated especially when the interviewer is not able to link the entire process. (Half, 2020)
Benefits of Close-ended questions
- Easier and quicker to answer: These type of questions can be answered easily and faster as they are one option or one-word answers and does not need much time.
- Help in obtaining measurable and quantitative data: These questions can be easily measured or corrected as there is only one answer and the candidates selected with the right one can be hired or called for the next round.
- Better understanding through answer options: The candidate doesn’t need to know the answer for all the questions but when they look at the options available it’s easy for them to identify the right one.
- Customers are more likely to respond: It takes only less time to answer given questions as they just need to select the answer and don’t have to give any explanation.
- Help to get rid of irrelevant answers: This type of question is structured data with predefined relevant answers.
- Comparable answers: The answers provided by the candidate are easy to compare with other candidates.
- Can be customized easily: these questions are easy to replicate and modify based on the type of survey, organization, or business. (Dawer, 2019)
Limitations of Close-ended questions
- Unable to provide detailed information: Although these questions can be answered easily the interviewer won’t be able to acquire the exact answer or reason why they have opted for certain options.
- Cannot help to receive customer opinions: The candidate cannot provide the reason why they have rated the products or services of the company and this can hamper the interviewer from selecting the right candidate.
- It is not possible to cover all possible answers: All the candidates are different from each other and might not have the option as per their knowledge or thinking this can limit their options or opinions about certain services or products provided by the company.
- More choices can create more confusion: Providing more than 3 options can confuse the candidate and they might end up in some answers which they are sure of.
- Can suggest answers which the customer may not be thinking: Some candidates might not even be thinking the same way as the questions and options are given but the options will make them think differently.
- Customers having no opinion will also answer: In some cases, the candidate might not even have any idea about the questions given but to complete the survey and get the feedback they might tick or select one option other than leaving it unattended.
- Not possible to find out if the question is misinterpreted: If the candidate misinterprets the answer in a closed-end question this will make the interviewer realize their mistake when answered the open-ended questions. (Dawer, 2019)
Guidelines to prepare close-ended interview
- First, the closing signals the termination of the interview but not the relationship.
- Second, the closing may express supportiveness to enhance the relationship and bring the interview to a positive close.
- Third, the closing may summarize the interview. A summary must accurately reflect the important elements of the interview.
- Be sincere and honest.
- Do not rush the closing.
- Do not introduce new topics or ideas during the closing.
- Leave the door open for future contacts.
- Avoid false closings when the interview is not really over.
- Avoid failed departures when you soon meet up again with the party after having concluded the interview. (Ch4 Structuring the Interview, 2017)
Sample script of Close-Ended interview
Manager: Have you at any point been terminated from a task? Indeed or no? Clarify.
Applicant: No. There has never been any justification a business to release me.
Manager: Do you get a kick out of the chance to work under tension? Indeed or no? Clarify.
Applicant: Yes. Obviously, it relies upon the sort of pressing factor yet when in doubt I would need to answer that I do. I find that pressing factor will in general further develop my presentation since it builds my assurance to take care of business. I feel that I am a self-starter however pressure gives me that additional motivation or push that we as a whole need every once in a while.
Manager: With what number of different associations have you met? What are their names?
Applicant: This is the solitary meeting I have had up until now. I’m by and large amazingly specific.
Manager: Do you realize how to utilize or work on (typewriter, PC, drill press, the 3 C’s of selling, SWOT examination, and so forth)? Indeed or no? Clarify.
Applicant: Yes. I utilized (a typewriter, PC, drill press, and so on) in my last work and turned out to be intimately acquainted with it. I additionally found that I did very well with it and came to appreciate utilizing it.
Manager: Are you looking for work in an organization of a specific size? Indeed or no? Clarify.
Applicant: Yes. I might want to work for an organization that offers me an opportunity to create and utilize the entirety of my abilities. I feel an enormous organization can allow me that opportunity.
Manager: Are you satisfied with your experience with us?
Applicant: Yes. I am looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you for your time, Daniel. We will disclose the results soon.
(The Closed-Ended Questions during an Interview, 2014)
Difference between Open-Ended Interview and Close-Ended Interview
(Dossetto, 2014)
To conclude, the open and closed-ended questions play an important role in an interview as they offer both quantitative and qualitative answers despite all the case type questions asked, as it is essential for a company to know and understand the communication skill of the employee to attract more customers and for that the employee should able to talk briefly and sufficiently rather than providing some irrelevant answers. These types of characteristics can be only analyzed in the open-ended questions as they will share their personal and professional experience and in the case of close-ended questions, they share more of their feelings or emotions towards certain aspects of situations. Therefore, an interviewer has to be fully prepared and expect surprising answers from the candidates.
- Qualitative data: Qualitative data focuses on the characteristics. It is generally used when the descriptive form of data is needed to be collected.
- Quantitative data: Quantitative data is measured in terms of numerical values. It is collected when there is a need to analyze the statistical data.
- Hypothetical interviews: Hypothetical data are a kind of theoretical data based on assumptions.
- Out-of-the-box interviews: Out-of-the-box interviews mean being more creative and innovative. It means to think logically.
LaRock, H. (2019, December 13). How to Write an Interview Script. Bizfluent.
Half, R. (2020, August 26). 4 Types of Job Interview Questions to Help You Dig Deeper. 4 Types of Interview Questions Employers Ask | Robert Half.
learn, monkey. (2021, January 25). What Are Open-ended Questions? Advantages & Disadvantages. MonkeyLearn Blog. https://monkeylearn.com/blog/advantages-of-open-ended-questions/
Connelly, S. (2015, November 30). Tips for Answering Open-Ended Interview Questions. SPARKS GROUP.
Indeed Editorial Team (November 30, 2020)
Dawer, N. (2019, October 9). Advantages & Disadvantages of Closed-Ended Questions in Feedback Forms. Zonka Feedback.
(Open-Ended Questions [vs Close-Ended] + 7 Examples, 2014)
The Closed-Ended Questions during an Interview. (2014, May 14). EmploymentCrossing.Com. https://www.employmentcrossing.com/article/900041500/The-Closed-Ended-Questions-during-an-Interview/
(Ch4 Structuring the Interview, 2017)