
28 Emailing Employees

Arley’s comments:

You’ve done a lot of work here. You’ve done a lot of research and have used headings and bullet points to help organize your information. I also like how you built in some interactive videos. Right now, you’ve taken the tactic of summarizing a lot of the main points of the articles you read. This leads to repetition, since some of the articles made similar points. In a revision, we can work on synthesis: combining multiple perspectives into one cohesive document. Reverse outlining might be useful here. Also, make sure to cite your sources using in-text citation. This way, the reader knows where these ideas come from. 

Judy’s comments:

There is a lot of great information here which is written and presented in an engaging way. Watch repetition and organization of ideas and ensure to be clear with your headings by introducing the content contained under them (e.g. Employee Engagement Plan Templates – at first I thought this was going to be off topic however it is a series of email templates to keep employees engaged). To add more depth to the information contained here I would suggest researching guidelines around which emails should come from which company positions (e.g. HR vs. a manager vs. an executive) as well as guidelines around what messages are okay to communicate via email and which are not.

Why email etiquette is important in the workplace?

(Tonogbanua, 2016)

The importance of email etiquette is that it helps to create a professional reputation and improve communication in the workplace.

Types of emails in the workplace

There are two primary types of emails in the workplace.

  1. Request-and-Reply Emails

These are very common emails in the workplace in which employees are expected to reply. These types of emails include questions which are to be answered, specific tasks people need to finish, directions to the employees to acknowledge or comment on policies, meetings or projects. (University of Waterloo, n.d.)

  1. Confirmation Emails
    “This kind of email creates a permanent, written record of a conversation that has taken place. For example, if you and a colleague discussed collaborating on a project over lunch, you might send them an email with the details of that conversation. This gives you both a record of the conversation and allows for the conversation to continue, if needed.” (University of Waterloo, n.d.)


How to create engaging emails for your employees?

(UIIC, 2020)

1. Create a standard brand voice for your department or company.

With a standard brand voice, your employees will read your emails not because they’re well-written, but because they genuinely care (Campaign Monitor,2019). It makes everyone on the same page.

2. Set email communication a part of your corporate image.(Campaign Monitor,2019)

3. Pay attention to your email’s header and the design of its body.(Campaign Monitor,2019)

Add an eye-catching subject line and body. (Enovapoint, 2021)

  • Using a name rather than a department in the sender line
  • Tell them what’s inside
  • Highlight its importance
  • Engaging pre header

Create an inviting design (Enovapoint, 2021)

  • Clean layout
  • Visual hierarchy
  • Be creative

4. Improve interactivity to boost engagement.

Boost interactivity with your emails even more by (Campaign Monitor,2019)

  • Including useful links, like one to add events to calendars
  • Promoting interaction with your company’s social media.
  • Creating surveys and polls.
  • Linking to videos or other informative content.

Create conversations (Enovapoint, 2021)

  • Q&A
  • Link to a discussion
  • Ask for feedback

Time to send (Enovapoint, 2021)

  • Timing
  • Understanding analytics

5.Wrap up :Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Follow:

  • Include a clear, direct subject line.
  • Use a professional email address.
  • Think more before hitting “reply all”.
  • Include a signature block.
  • Use professional salutations.
  • Use exclamation points sparingly.
  • Be cautious with humor.
  • Know that people from different cultures speak and write differently.(Campaign Monitor,2019) (Real source)

Creating corporate emails that your employees want to read is all about incentivizing engagement with interesting, high-value, and actionable material.(Campaign Monitor,2019)

By embracing company culture in your corporate emails, you’ll create not only more engaging emails, but also more engaged employees.


What’s Dos and Don’ts of Email Communication in Engagement?

(Researchclue, 2020)

Let’s work on improving how you use email to communicate with your staff.


Write well defined subject lines

It is very important to have a clear subject line for the email you are sending. Almost everyday we send and receive a big number of emails which sometimes become out of control. If there would be no subject line, it would become very difficult for the recipient to know about the importance and urgency of the email and the purpose of the email may lost if the recipient misses it. So, the subject line maintains clarity from the moment the email is received. (Misiak, 2019)

Use your company’s address

You should send the emails to the staff using your company’s email address. You may have many business and personal email addresses, but it is not wise to use them for sending mails to the employees. It is easy for the employees to recognize the email if is with their company’s address. If you are the representative of some department, it is good to use department name to make the recipients understand where it is coming from. (Guillory, 2019)

Have a goal with each email

Emails should not be sent without purpose. Before sending an email you should know your goal. Whether you want to inform the employees about the changing work hours or leave guidelines. Goals give a purpose to the sender and the reader as well. (Guillory, 2019)

Know your audience

You should have the knowledge of the audience before creating an email. You should know whether you creating an email for your colleague, employees, or future employer. If you are composing an email for some professional environment, it is not appropriate to use salutations like ‘Yo’ or ‘Hey’. (Misiak, 2019)


Proofreading can help to look for and avoid the spelling or grammatical errors. On the contrary, if you do not revise the email properly, it may look unprofessional due to errors in it. So, once you are done with the subject line and the body, do proofread. (Misiak, 2019)

Know your tone

There are high chances that your message can be misread and misunderstood if you are unprofessional in your writing. Make sure your email conveys your intended tone. The recipients may not be able  to interpret well the humour communicated via email because it needs vocal tone along with it to serve its purpose. It is informal to use slangs. (Misiak, 2019)

Consider the length

Your readers may not have much time to read long messages so it is appropriate to keep the length short. Lengthy emails may lead to readers ignoring it. It is also not good to keep your emails too short that these miss the important information and are not understandable to the readers. It can not be said with certainty about how much length is ideal because every email is different. Cutting down the unnecessary information helps in keeping the message short. (Misiak, 2019)



Your email inbox should not grow

It is very common with almost everyone that their email inbox grows in size due to a busy routine and disorganization. It is likely that some important messages may bury in these unread messages. You may not be able to reply to some important messages due to your flooding inbox which is unprofessional. “Inbox zero” can help in managing the email inbox, the purpose of which is to stop you from re-reading the messages and keep the inbox empty. (Misiak, 2019)

Don’t be slow in responding

It is unprofessional to keep the senders waiting for your reply which may be torturous for them. It may lead to anxiety because no one wants to be ignored or disrespected. Reply back to the emails as soon as you receive them. There are some situations when you do not know how to respond to the emails, then you should respond back with expected deadline. (Misiak, 2019)

Do not overuse the exclamation points

Exclamation points are fine to use when you are talking to the persons you know well. When it comes to writing or speaking to a person you do not know well, using exclamation points is not appropriate. Abbreviations (LOL, IDK, etc.), emojis, and all CAPS are also in this category. (Misiak, 2019)

Don’t abuse the privilege

It is inappropriate to send emails to the employees more than often because this makes them have a casual attitude towards your emails. It is very important to consider the message and mode of communication before sending it to the recipient. The messages which can be delivered by talking in person or over phone should not be communicated via email. Do not send a flood of messages at one time. (Guillory, 2019)

Do not send emotional emails

Do not write emails if you are guided by some negative emotions. If you are upset or angry, give yourself time to write properly. For example, if you are angry or upset at the time of writing an email, this may reflect in the message too. Keep the message in the draft to revise it later if you feel emotion overpowers it. (Misiak, 2019)

Do not communicate everything via email

It is not appropriate to send every message through email. Some messages may not clear to the recipients because your tone may be incomprehensible for the reader. In some situation where other communication modes are better to use it is not advisable to use email. (Misiak, 2019)

When is email the appropriate form of communication to use?

It is always not appropriate to send messages through email, though it is one of the means of communication in the workplace. It is very important to consider your message, the possible reaction of the audience to the message and the size of the audience before considering the method of communication. Email is the best method for sharing information and conveying positive or neutral news. There are situations when email cannot be used as a means of communication but other methods like face-to-face, phone, instant messaging, video conferencing are more appropriate. (University of Waterloo, n.d.)


  • When you want to share information with a large group of people. For example, you want to share a memo with the whole staff in the office. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)
  • You want to have a written record of the communication by saving emails which makes it easy to refer back to what someone said in an earlier message. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)
  • When you need to send an electronic document.
  • You need to reach a person who is not physically available on the campus, hard to reach via telephone, or is living in a different country with different time zone. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)

When is email not an appropriate form of communication to use ?

Email is not an effective means of communication when:

  •  Some messages are long and do require a lot of discussion. Such messages should not be sent via email because face-to-face is the best medium to discuss such messages. For example, if you have some plan and want feedback from the employees for it, you should meet the employees in person to have their feedback on your plan. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)
  • Not all the messages can be sent through email because some information is highly confidential, and email can never keep the privacy because your message can be forwarded to the other person without informing you. Even you delete the message, server always store a backup copy of your email which can be accessed by any person. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)
  • It is not appropriate to send an email when you are terminating someone. The best way to communicate this information is meeting the person face to face. (University of Waterloo, n.d.)
  • It is not good to use email If you are delivering a very good and exciting news and you want to see the reactions of your employees, but your employees live in different countries and cities. Video conferencing is the best means of communication here. (University of Waterloo, n.d.)
  • When you want fast reply. Though email is one of the fastest means of communication, it does not mean that you should expect an immediate reply. Unless there is no commitment on the part of your reader, it may take some days’ time to respond to your message as most of the people who are doing job tend to do email correspondence in their regular business hours. (The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, n.d.)

Engaging Emails Templates and Examples

With HR email templates, clear and simple communication is the goal.

1.Thank You Email Templates

By sending out these emails to your employees, it will be of benefit to you as your employees will be encouraged to perform better after receiving these token of appreciations. Treat it as a morale booster for your employees(6Q BLOG,2021). These will strengthen your employee’s belief in the job and will make him feel a significantly greater sense of belonging at their workplace.

Here are some ideas of email templates you can use to thank your employees.

(Andriotis, 2019)

Here is a summary of the types of thank you letter templates:(6Q BLOG,2021)

  • Thank you for a job well done
  • Thank you for your hard work
  • Thank you for volunteering
  • Thank you for your excellent sales performance
  • Thank you for a great Year
  • Thank you for going the extra mile
  • Thank you for being a great leader
  • Thank you for being YOU!(6Q BLOG,2021)

2.Employee Engagement Plan Templates


Below are a series of email templates to keep employees engaged:

Template 1 :Employee Engagement Plan for New Hires
Subject Line: Share Your Interview Experience On xxxxx!


We hope you are settling into your new role well! As you know, our company is continuing to grow. To sustain that growth, we want the best people to join our team and you play a critical role in helping us recruit top talent. Your feedback on our interview process will help us make it a more meaningful experience for future candidates, and will help them prepare for interviews with more confidence around what to expect, which will in turn help us find the best talent — just like you!

As you know, we have a company page on xxxxx, part of which allows you to leave reviews about our interview process. Please take a moment to visit xxxxxxx and share an anonymous review about your interview experience with our team.

It only takes a few minutes to complete, and your feedback is completely anonymous.

All the best,

Your HR Team” ( Glassdoor.2021)

Template 2:Employee Engagement Plan for Managers


Our company has a page on Glassdoor, which includes messaging for interested job candidates to learn more about our company. It’s a great way to help us hire key people for your team, but we need your help.

I understand that your team is expanding and you are looking for candidates with certain qualities and expertise. But these candidates don’t have enough information about what this job is like.

Please reach out to your team members and ask them to leave anonymous employee reviews on  xxx. I’ve included a sample email template to send to your team today. [Include Template 4]


Your HR Team” ( Glassdoor.2021)

Template 3:Employee Engagement Plan Companywide

“Hello xxx Employees,

Do you have ideas about how to make our workplace better? Would you like the opportunity to improve your personal and professional growth in our organization? Are there issues around feedback and compensation we need to look at? Now is your chance to tell us what you think.

Starting on xxx, 20xx, and running for approximately 2 weeks, we will be conducting an online employee engagement survey that covers these topics and more.


The survey is being delivered by xxxx, a company that specializes in employee engagement measurement and benchmarking. You will have the ability to take the online survey starting xxx and closing xxx You will receive an email directly from xxxxx inviting you to complete the survey. Please be assured that all responses to the survey are completely confidential; at no time during or after the survey will xxxxxx divulge individual responses to anyone at xxxxxx, only aggregate results (combined responses) and reports on the topics covered in the survey will be provided.”


Template 4:Employee Engagement Plan for C-Level Staff( Glassdoor.2021)

“Hello, Executive Team!

As you know, we are hard at work trying to find the best people to join our team, and have a profile page on Glassdoor to show off our brand to potential candidates. Glassdoor is a leading destination for job seekers to research companies and decide if they want to work there.

Your feedback is critical to our success and you would assist us greatly by leaving an anonymous review on xxxxx!

You can leave your job title as anonymous. Feel free to share our company’s vision, strengths, and areas where we still need to grow. Your perspective is vastly different from our other team members and a comment from you would mean a lot.

Thank you,

Your HR Team” ( Glassdoor.2021)


Template 5:Employee Engagement Plan for Diversity & Inclusion

Subject: Share Your Experience at [Company Name] on Glassdoor!

“Hi [Employee Resource Group Name] Team,

We’d love it if you would take a moment to review [Company Name] on Glassdoor!

Glassdoor is a leading destination for job seekers to gain insights about jobs and companies and decide where they want to work. We use employee feedback on Glassdoor to listen to you so that we can become a better company.

We encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on your experience with your Employee Resource Group and our Diversity & Inclusion initiatives, and to then share your thoughts on Glassdoor. You can now also rate us specifically on the topic of Diversity & Inclusion. Our commitment is to continually review this feedback, identify patterns and trends, and drive change where needed.

It only takes a few minutes to complete, and your feedback is completely anonymous.

Thank you,
HR” ( Glassdoor.2021)


Template 6: Employee Engagement Plan for Award Wins


“As an incentive for completing the survey xxx will award two (2) cash prizes randomly selected by xxxxx from all participants who have completed the survey by the following deadlines:

  1. The first cash prize of $xxx will be randomly drawn from all participants who have completed the survey by xxxx.
  2. The Final draw for a prize of $xxx will be randomly drawn from all participants who have completed the survey, including those who completed the survey by xxxx deadline, when the survey concludes on xxxx.

We hope you will all take some time to complete this survey.  Thank you for your support. Your opinions are most important to our continued progress.

Human Resources Department” ( Glassdoor.2021)

3.Employee Engagement Survey Communication Email Examples

(Blog, 2019)

Examples of Survey Communications

Example 1: A letter or email to employees introducing survey (direct from organization).


“Dear Colleague,

Welcome to our Employee Survey for 20XX.

Over the coming year, ‘Organization X’ is embarking on an ambitious expansion plan. Achieving this vision will involve the participation and commitment of all our employees and to this end we would like a better understanding of how people really feel about working for Organization X. We are therefore happy to announce the introduction of the 20XX employee survey which is the first step to achieving our vision.

If we are to share a successful future then clear, honest communication is critical. I do appreciate that ‘honest communication’ sometimes feels difficult which is why we have contacted a specialist external provider to help us run this survey. Please be aware that your responses to the questionnaire are completely anonymous – we will not be able to attribute responses to any individual. We have chosen this approach to ensure that you feel confident and able to give genuine feedback – good and bad. My hope is that we will all gain through your appraisal of areas that are the most critical for our success and through your frank assessment of our performance in these important areas.

Please be candid in answering these questions – rest assured no one can be identified from their responses as all survey data will be held in strict confidence.

The survey will be available online until <insert end date>. On completion of the survey, we will communicate both the findings and our action plan. It is only through transparent accountability that we will realize our organizational potential and build a great place for us all to work.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.


Click HERE to access the questionnaire

Completion notes from our survey partner:

The questionnaire that you are about to complete is probably a little different from other staff questionnaires that you may have been asked to do. Our approach is to gain an in-depth understanding of what is important to you in your career and how satisfied you are. The questionnaire will take you approximately 25 minutes to complete and is divided into four distinct sections. Occasionally you may feel that questions are being repeated. This is not the case although we do ask a number of questions on similar themes to ensure that the data we collect is as reliable as possible.

We would like to take this opportunity to clearly state that we will only report back to Organization X on a group basis so
that individual responses cannot be identified.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the confidentiality or completion of the questionnaire please
do not hesitate to contact us.

Account Manager, great{with}talent.”(Greatwithtalent,2021)

Example 2: A letter or email to employees introducing survey (direct from great{with}talent).

Some organizations prefer survey communications to be managed by great{with}talent to reinforce the anonymity of the questionnaire and increase completion rates.

“Dear <insert employee name>,

Welcome to the Organization X Staff Survey 20XX

As mentioned in previous communications from your management teams, Organization X want to benefit from the perspective and insights of all their employees to ensure that the aims and objectives of the organization can be met. To this end an anonymous, online staff satisfaction survey has been developed
by great{with}talent.

The questionnaire that you are about to complete is probably a little different from other questionnaires that you may have been asked to do. Our approach is to gain an in-depth understanding of what is important to you in your career and how satisfied you are. The questionnaire will take you approximately
25 minutes to complete and is divided into four distinct sections. Occasionally you may feel that questions are being repeated. This is not the case although we do ask a number of questions on similar themes to ensure that the data we collect is as reliable as possible.

We would like to take this opportunity to clearly state that we will only report back to Organisation X on a group basis so that individual responses cannot be identified.

Click HERE to access the questionnaire

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the confidentiality or completion of the questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact us.

Account Manager, great{with}talent.”(Greatwithtalent,2021)

Example 3: A letter or email to line managers introducing survey.

Below is an introductory email aimed at line managers/team leaders.

“Dear <insert line manager name>,

As you will be aware we will shortly be embarking on a staff satisfaction survey. The information gained
from the survey will be used to inform focus action plans to improve levels of staff commitment and morale. This initiative is vital if we are to achieve our ambition growth plans for the coming year and your participation and support is required to make this a success.

A more detailed briefing pack (see attached) has been prepared for to support you and your teams throughout the survey. In summary your role will be to:

  • Encourage your teams to complete the survey;
  • Reassure employees of the anonymity of the process;
  • Be open-minded and positive about the process;
  • Complete the survey yourself – your views are key to this initiative;
  • Helping staff locate questionnaire;
  • Allowing your staff sufficient time to complete questionnaire;
  • Provide consistent and positive responses to your team’s questions;
  • Alerting the Survey Team with any concerns of issues throughout the process.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and commitment to this process – our continued growth and success relies on the commitment and satisfaction of our staff.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

<Insert name>, Survey Team.”(Greatwithtalent,2021)

15 Manager email templates to help prepare for important conversations when:

Below are some of the email templates that the managers should follow to interact with the employees in their organization:

  1. An employee continuously shows up to work tired

If an employee is not performing according to the expected standards due to fatigue or tiredness which is the result of some factors not related to the workplace, then as a manager it is your duty to talk to such employees to fix the problem. You need to choose the words very carefully so that these do not hurt the personal feelings of the employees. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

I noticed that you seemed a little tired the last few days, is everything okay?

I don’t mean to get too personal, but if there is anything going on outside of work that you need time to deal with, just let me know. Your wellbeing is the priority. Just know that if you ever need to chat about anything, I’m here for you.

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee continuously comes late to work

If any of the employees come late to work, you need to write an email to them to come on time so that it should not affect workplace productivity and upset the colleagues. You should tell them that you are ready to listen to their problem and assist them in any way. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

I noticed that you’ve been getting into work late the last few days. I think that might make things difficult for your coworkers who depend on you. Is everything alright?

If there’s anything on your mind, or anything I can help with, let me know!

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee cannot complete work for the given deadline

If the employees cannot work on time due to their slow pace or some other reason, there is a need to tell them to improve their performance to work on time. You should tell that you are willing to listen to them without judgement. This way you can earn their trust. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

How’s it going?

I want to discuss your missed deadlines. If there’s anything that’s been preventing you from focusing and you want to discuss it, I’m all ears and happy to help out any way I can.

Even if it’s just a matter of your work motivation levels, we really need to solve this problem somehow together.

Let me know what your thoughts are,

Thanks!” (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee takes too much leaves

An employee might remain absent from the work too often due to several reasons which you need to know to inspire them to have a perfect work-life balance. You need to be very careful while talking to them about their absenteeism. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

How’s everything going?

You know we encourage work-life balance and are happy to let you take time off. However, from what I’ve noticed, you’ve been taking quite a bit of time off.

If there’s anything you’d like to talk about, please let me know. I’d be happy to help in any way I can.

Going forward, you’ll need to be more present in the office to be there for your team. That’s how we’ll all achieve our goals together!

Thanks!” (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee can’t handle criticism

If you give feedback to the employees about their performance in a bit unpleasant tone and you have a bad feeling that the employees could not receive it well, you should write an email to them to let them know that your intention was not to hurt them. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

It seemed like my comment earlier didn’t land well. I hope there’s no misunderstanding. Everything I said was meant to help you grow and become an even better employee. Sometimes feedback is hard to hear but the intention is always with your best interest at heart, to help you improve.

If there’s ever anything you’d like to talk about, just let me know! I’m here for you.

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee has a negative attitude

If you find that some employees are showing up pessimistic attitude in the workplace which may be due to some issues with the colleagues and can affect the workplace environment and their co-workers, you need to write an email expressing the openness to hear about the issue and help them out. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

Your attitude recently hasn’t been as positive as we’re all used to. I’m not happy to see any of my team upset, but even more so, negative attitudes affect the whole team.

If there is something work-related, let’s get together and work this out. Otherwise, if it’s a personal matter, let me know if and how I can be a support.

Thanks!” (Scheiner, 2021)


  1. An employee needs more training

Some employees need more training to do their work properly and make improvement in their area. As a manager, it is your duty to motivate them that you are willing to help them improve so that they should not feel that they are lagging behind. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

How’s everything going?

Your progress so far has been great in many areas. Now here are a few skills where I think you’d benefit from focusing on improving.

I suggest we schedule a meeting once a week aimed at helping you develop in this area. I’m sure this way we can get you up to speed.

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee brags a lot or takes too much credit

Overconfidence on the part of the employees and their wish to take too much credit may lead to disturbance for other employees who may feel underconfident due to this. While appreciating their talents and achievements, find some words to tell them that their behaviour is not healthy for others. Tell in a positive tone that they should collaborate with others. (Scheiner, 2021)

“Hey _______,

It’s been brought to my attention that you may be taking personal credit for the work the whole team is doing.

There’s no doubt you’re talented and I love your ambition, but the truth is that your work speaks for itself. More importantly, remember that we win as a team and pride collaboration and team dynamics over individual success.

I wonder, do you feel that you are not receiving enough recognition from me as your manager, or from your peers?

I am free to speak about this further if you wish to continue the discussion,

Thanks!” (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee flirts inappropriately

Flirtatious behaviour on the part of the employees needs to be addressed. While talking to them about this you need to consider the culture of the employees. You need to remind them that the office culture comes first. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

This is a bit of a sensitive subject, but I wanted to talk with you about something.

Some of your behavior with coworkers is being seen as inappropriate. I know you probably didn’t do this intentionally, but we need to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.

If you’re not sure what it was you did, or why it’s inappropriate, let’s have a chat and clear up that misunderstanding. Sound good?

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee wants to leave the job

If there comes an issue of employees wishing to leave the job, as a manager you need to reach out to them to listen to their reasons and tell them their decision surprised you.  (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

Your news earlier surprised me. I really appreciate you sharing how you’re feeling about work.

I’d be very open to hearing more of your valuable feedback and seeing where we can make changes and improvements to keep you on board. I really value you. You’ve made a big impact on the team and company.

Would you like to book some time to chat tomorrow?

Let me know,

Thanks!”   (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. An employee recently got fired

In case when you fire an employee, it is not recommended to do this by informing him via email because the best mode here is a group meeting. After you fire the employee, you can send the follow up email to welcome him to share their concerns and ask questions. Do not write anything that may degrade the fired employee. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hi team,

This morning I unfortunately had to let __ go. I know this is surprising to hear.

This decision was made because performance goals were not being reached. After working together of X amount of time to improve the situation, their performance continued to fall short of expectations.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I’m here to talk and be as transparent as I can.

I will be sharing a plan for how we will fill this gap on the team shortly.

Thank you. Keep up the great work!”  (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. You want feedback from employees

Emails are one of the best ways to have feedback from the employees. It is not appropriate to ask for the feedback then and there because this way the employees do not get enough time to think before giving feedback and they are likely to say what you want them to say. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey everyone!

I would like to ask you for some feedback.

I want to understand more about your day-to-day pain points. The goal is to see if I can help solve them as a manager. I’d love it if you took some time to give us feedback on how I can help improve your experience at work.

We’ll be using Officevibe, a feedback platform that ensures that everyone’s feedback is completely anonymous so you can feel free to share whatever is on your mind.

Thanks!”  (Scheiner, 2021)



  1. You receive negative feedback

If you receive a negative feedback from the employees, you should not express in your emails to them that you are not happy with the feedback you received. Rather use the persuasive language to ensure that they feel free to tell you more. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hi team,

I have received some anonymous feedback from the team about a concern. First off, I appreciate the sincerity. It’s my goal to improve through your honest feedback.

If whoever wrote that wants to come chat, I’d be happy to address any concerns. It’s not mandatory, though. You can all be confident that feedback will remain anonymous if that’s what you choose.

We work hard to make this a great workplace, and we only want to make sure that everyone is happy here.

Thanks!” (Scheiner, 2021)


  1. You want to express gratitude to a specific employee

It is a great part of a manager’s job to recognize talents and achievements in others whether it is expressed in person or in an email. While you are composing a thank you message for the employee be sure to be specific and use personal expressions to praise the work. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

I just wanted to take a quick minute to tell you what a great job you did with that presentation earlier. I was seriously impressed!

The fact that you used those graphs in your slides to back up what you were saying was a really smart idea.

I’m confident that your contributions are going to play a major role in landing this contract and absolutely delighting the client. This is going to be a big win for everyone.

Thanks again, and keep up the great work!” (Scheiner, 2021)

  1. You want to thank the team

It is very beneficial experience to admire the team for the hard work because this encourages the employees to perform their best for the future opportunities. (Scheiner, 2021)


“Hey _______,

I just wanted to take a quick minute to thank all of you for your contribution lately.

You all did an incredible job with the X project. They were so impressed with our presentation and I’m pretty sure they’ll end up becoming a client!

I can’t express how much you all mean to me. I truly enjoy coming to work every day with all of you.

The future looks bright!

Enjoy your weekend :)”  (Scheiner, 2021)

Advantages and disadvantages of email-communication in the workplace

Email is still among the most widely used communication tools in the workplace today. However, while email is still the go-to medium for a lot of people, companies find that its disadvantages overtake its advantages if they don’t take steps for improving email communication. (Vdovin, 2020)


The Advantages of Email for Internal Communications

  • Email is a free tool. Once you are online, there is no further expense that you need to spend on to send and receive messages. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email is quick. Once you have finished composing a message, sending it is as simple as clicking a button. Email, especially if an email system is integrated into the network, is sent, delivered and read almost immediately. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email is simple. It is easy to use. Once your account is set up, composing, sending and receiving messages is simple. Also, email allows for the easy and quick access of information and contacts. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email allows for easy referencing. Messages that have been sent and received can be stored and searched through safely and easily. It is a lot easier to go through old email messages rather than old notes written on paper. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email is accessible from anywhere – as long as you have an internet connection. Whether or not you are in the office or on the field, or even overseas, you can access your inbox and go through your messages. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email is paperless, and therefore, beneficial for the planet. Not only can you reduce the costs of paper, but you are also actually reducing the damage paper usage does to the environment. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email allows for mass sending of messages. An effective medium to utilize to get your message out there, you can send one message to several recipients all at once. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email allows for instant access of information and files. You can opt to send yourself files and keep messages so that you have a paper trail of conversations and interactions you have online just in case you may need them in the future. (Vdovin, 2020)

On the other hand, while internal email certainly has its advantages, it can also have disadvantages especially if an email alert system is not available in the workplace.


The Disadvantages of Email for Internal Communications

  • Email could potentially cause information overload. Some messages may be dismissed or left unread, especially if there are a lot of emails coming in and the network has not integrated some sort of email alert system into the computers at work. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email lacks a personal touch. While some things are better off sent as written and typed messages, some things should be verbally delivered or written by hand in a note or letter. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email can be disruptive. Going through each email can be disruptive to work as it does require a bit of time. This disruption is decreased through the utilization of an email alert system. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email cannot be ignored for a long time. The thing with email is that it needs constant maintenance. If you ignore it, more and more messages will enter your inbox until it gets to the point that your inbox is no longer manageable. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email can cause misunderstandings. Because email does not include nonverbal communication, recipients may misinterpret the sender’s message. This is particularly true of senders fail to go through their messages before they send them. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email messages can contain viruses. It’s best to be aware of this possibility so that you are careful when opening messages from people you don’t know, or when downloading attachments. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email should be kept short and brief. This is especially difficult if you are one to send messages that are too long. (Vdovin, 2020)
  • Email requires timely responses. While some people tend to disregard messages, those that require responses should be replied to as soon as they are received and read. If not, urgent and important messages may be left untended. (Vdovin, 2020)


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