17 Creating a Training Video
Arley’s comments:
You’ve done a really thorough job here with lots of research. You’ve given some great advice about how to make videos and have used headings and subheadings. A couple of suggestions:
- You probably don’t have to define training, but can briefly explain what a training video is and why it might be used (as opposed to a face-to-face session).
- You might want to rethink the organization of this section. For example, it might be better to first talk about why a training video is important or what some of the benefits are before getting into how to actually make one.
- You mention budget, so you might suggest how to make a budget for a video. (Some organizations are often shocked by how much a video can cost, and the cost will vary depending on if you do it in-house or contract it out).
- Make sure to cite your sources.
Judy’s comments:
Good information that is structured, easy to read, and engaging, however, lacks organization. To take this further, information should be added with regards to using an ISD model (this includes a needs analysis) and the steps involved. Using this model is an HR best practice for developing training. The links below need to be either changed or removed as they all seem to go to google search pages – if you want to include links you should link directly to the article, etc. Lastly, ensure to use APA formatting for your citations
Learning Objectives
- Introduction
- Meaning of training
- what are training videos and why these are effective?
- Importance of training videos
- Steps involved in training video creation
- Responsibility for video making
- Pros and Cons of training videos
- Video making apps
- Sample of training video
- References

Every organization needs the services of trained persons for systematically performing the activities. The fast-changing technological development makes the knowledge of the employees obsolete. They require constant training to cope with the needs of the job. After selecting the employees, the next task of management is to give them proper training. Some workers may have previous knowledge of the workplace while others may entirely be new. Every organisation has to arrange specific training to prepare workers for jobs and also keeping them acquainted with the latest technological advancements.
Training is a systematic and planned process of increasing the knowledge and skills of employees for doing a particular job. It creates awareness about real workplace situations among employees. It helps improve the employee’s current job performance and prepares the employees to take up new challenging assignments in the future (M, 2021).
It is an effective method of training and is widely used as a training technique. The video teaches how to perform a specific job. A video is a graphical collection and other elements like music, graphics, and special effects and motions. It can be used to provide a wide range of realistic examples of job conditioning and situations in a condensed period of time. Audio-visual aids tend to be a more interesting method of learning skills. These videos provide education about how a job is done effectively.
Use of Training Videos:
- Video making is the best way to represent soft skills.
- Videos are flexible and can be modified easily.
- It is the best way to engage employees.
- Increase information retention.
- They are easily accessible to the employees.
- Easy distribution and sharing are some of the attractive characteristics of videos.
- Training videos Enhance work productivity at the workplace as against traditional training methods.
- workers can review these guidance videos anytime and anywhere.
Instructional Systems Design (ISD): Instructional systems design encompasses an organised procedure for developing and evaluating the training solutions. The objective of this design is to deliver formal training. Both educational and corporate institutes use two recognised ISD models for training functions. ADDIE model is the most traditional model and consists of several variations. The second model is the Agile model, which also includes variations such as rapid application development, and also the successive approximation model (Training Industry, 2021).
ADDIE model is a process of five steps to develop learning and training activities. The instructional designed model was created to be a detailed process; however, nowadays most instructional designers are only familiar with its five major stages:
- Analysis
- Design
- Development
- Implementation
- Evaluation
All five stages play an important role, but while practising most of the effort is put in by the Design and Development stages. The stages that less involved are the Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation phases (Downes, 2019).
Importance of Training Videos:
- Increased productivity – Training videos improve the performance of employees. Increased skill and efficiency result in better quantity and quality of production. A trained worker will handle machinery carefully and will use the materials economically.
- Higher employee morale – A trained employee derives motivation and job satisfaction from his work. He feels happy when his performance is up to the mark. This also leads him towards job security and ego satisfaction.
- Less supervision – The degree of supervision required for a trained worker will be less. He will not be dependent upon the supervisor for minute details and may carry out his work himself. On the other hand, an untrained worker will need a constant watch and he will require the guidance of the supervisor very often.
- Less wastage – Untrained workers may waste more resources, damage machinery and may cause accidents. A trained worker will know the art of operating the machine properly. The amount spent on training the worker will prove an asset to the organization.
- Easy adaptability – The present workers will learn new techniques with the help of orientation. The trained persons will adapt to new situations more easily because they have basic technical knowledge. A trained worker can be more flexible to change than an untrained one. The former can easily learn new work techniques with a little guidance.
- Reduce labour turnover – Labour turnover and absenteeism are mainly due to job dissatisfaction. A satisfied person may not like to leave his job and try at a new place. Training helps in reducing labour absenteeism by increasing job satisfaction among them.
- Employee development – Training videos also help in the overall development of employees. Firstly, it helps them explore their hidden talents and then develop them to the maximum. The adaptability of a worker will help him in working on new and improved jobs. If a worker is a fast learner, then he/she will be able to develop his/her talent and improve performance.
- Improved quality of goods and services – Technically trained workers, manufactures the goods with superior quality. It is basically because the trained workers are more efficient and competent than untrained workers.
- Compensating incomplete education – Our system of education provides only theoretical and general education. Training acquaints the employees with the practical aspects of the workplace. Therefore, it completes the knowledge of the employees which remains incomplete in our education system and also gives them a direction to work efficiently ( Indeed Editorial Team, 2021)

The Procedure of Making a Training Video:
Step1: Select your topic
In the initial step set a purpose for video creation. It is a basic and essential step of this process. In this step, it is decided that what is the matter? What can be done so far to educate employees?
For example – A company’s employees are not familiar with upgraded machinery. Thus, the training video topic will be about the effective use of updated machinery. The purpose of this video will be to educate untrained workers about the use of up-to-date machines.
Step2: Determine budget and time for video
After deciding the topic, our next step is the preparation of budget and time management. By fixing these things we can proceed further with making a video. Firstly, find out do you have enough financial resources for creating a video? For the preparation of the budget list, the required sources and maintain an estimated list of expenses. Moreover, find that, do you have enough time for video shooting? If the answer to both questions is yes, then our next step will be the collection of required sources.
Step3: Collect resources (organize script and storyboard)
In this step, the video planner has to write 1. a script for the video 2. main points and contents for the training video. Moreover, for making video interesting infographics, visuals, demos and PowerPoint slides can be included. Use your script to create a storyboard for your training video.
Step4: Combine all resources
In the fourth step, the video maker should arrange all the resources according to video needs. Such as – video camera, location and video scripts.
Step5: Record video
Finally, after collecting all resources. Record your training video. Do a quick scan of your material content, explain them efficiently and avoid unnecessary hand movements. After completing it click on the pause button.
Step6: Review (remove errors)
After pausing your recording, review your video to identify errors. I-SPRING is one of the best videos making applications. Edit your work and remove irrelevant parts of the video to get the final and professional training video.
Step7: Mix video with learning activities
After removing errors add some learning and creative activities in your videos that will add worth to your video. It is one of the best ways to make your work effective and interesting.
Step8: Produce final video
In the final step, produce your final work. Check the time duration of the video and make changes if required. after finishing work go for distribution.
Step9: Distribute the video
Finally, the video is ready for trainees. There are several ways for the distribution of video like Upload video on an official portal of the company, make hard copies and sent them to the employees, show them a video on the projector during training sessions (Colman, 2021).

Principles of using an effective training video:
Following are the principles and benefits of using a training video effectively (Moovly, 2021)
- Training videos should be brief and clear.
- Videos must include important information and activities.
- Videos should be relevant and related to specific tasks.
- The structure of the video must be simple and appealing.
- Repetition should be present with rephrasing.
- Persona (representative) should be experienced and well educated.
Advantages of Training Videos to Organization:
Following are the advantages of having training videos in an organisation:
- Videos are flexible and can be modified easily.
- It is the best way to engage employees better.
- Increase information retention
- These are easily accessible to the employees.
- Easy distribution is one of the attractive features of videos.
- Training videos enhance work productivity at the workplace.
- Workers can review these guidance videos anytime and anywhere.
Pitfalls in Training Video Process:
Following are few common mistakes made while creating a training video (True Focus Media, 2021)
- Lengthy videos irritate employees.
- The irrelevant topic can distract employees.
- communication barriers are at their peak because videos are provided by an Individual.
- Individualism has become a hurdle to the path of efficient education.
- Video making is a complex process it needs many types of equipment with an experienced staff.
- Videos are unable to get quick feedback from employees. Sometimes, they raise concerns about the content of the video.
List of Apps:
- Camtasia
- I-spring
Sample of Training Video:
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=training+meaning+in+hr&sxsrf=ALeKk02PkrYBMVvfJNBtWjnFnMD4FOj7dw%3A1624105763336&ei=I-PNYKuCFNz2rAG9i62YAw&oq=training+meaning+in+hr&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyAggAMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAe
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, February). The Importance of Training Employees: 11 Benefits. Retrieved from Indeed Career Guide: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/importance-of-training
Alexandersikov. (2021). Training Webinar E-learning Skills Business Internet Technology Concept. Retrieved from Dreamstime: https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/training.html
Colman, H. (2021, June). How to Create an Employee Training Video: A Practical Guide and Tips. Retrieved from iSpring Solutions: https://www.ispringsolutions.com/blog/6-tips-to-create-engaging-training-videos
Downes, A. (2019, December). ADDIE: A 5-Step Process for Effective Training & Learning Evaluation. Retrieved from watershed: https://www.watershedlrs.com/blog/learning-evaluation/addie-instructional-design-model/
Hooper, L. (2021, January). How to Create a Successful Employee Training and Development Program Through Visual Communication. Retrieved from Venngage: https://venngage.com/blog/employee-training-and-development/
M, S. (2021). Training in HRM. Retrieved from Business Management Ideas: https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/human-resource-management-2/training-in-hrm/20347
Moovly. (2021). 10 benefits of using video in training and development. Retrieved from Moovly TSX.V:MVY: https://www.moovly.com/blog/10-benefits-of-using-video-in-training-and-development
Stanciu, C. (2020, April). 10 Tips for Training Employees with Video. Retrieved from Hi5 Getting Better Together: https://medium.com/getting-better-together/10-tips-for-training-employees-with-video-b7e93ca3bd5a
Training Industry. (2021). Instructional Systems Design (ISD). Retrieved from Training Industry: https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/isd/
True Focus Media. (2021). SCARY MISTAKES IN YOUR TRAINING VIDEOS. Retrieved from True Focus Media: https://truefocusmedia.com/4-scary-mistakes-in-your-training-videos/
VIDIZMO Team. (2021). 21 Ways to Develop Engaging Video for Organizational Training & Development. Retrieved from VIDIZMO: https://blog.vidizmo.com/21-ways-to-develop-engaging-video-content-for-organizational-training-and-development