
8 Creating a Job Advertisement


Job advertisement refers to ads or posters or anything related that gives detailed information on the number of vacancies or positions available in any organization. These advertisements attract potential candidates who are searching for jobs, this also shows the benefits and qualifications required to apply for the job, as this will make the job easier for both the candidate and the organization. (twinkl.ca 2020)

Source: (Free Job Posting Sites – High Traffic and 100% Free 2021)

Importance of Job Advertisement

Job advertisements help the company or organization to enhance their brand value and develop in a few numbers ways which are as follows: (Barretto, 2020)

  • Let’s the word out: The organization can search for more qualified candidates only if they put out the words in more public places like the job board, this will be reviewed by all and those who are already employed can recommend more whom they know. This will pool more candidates, as those open positions will fill faster.
  • Accessible to all people across the globe: The company should always keep an eye and update 24/7 on various social platforms as these job boards can be viewed by various candidates across the world, this form of advertisement will help those who want to work remotely and find a job sitting at home rather than dropping resumes in all the companies.
  • Let you be known: the job advertisement not just advertise the jobs available but also it gives a larger promotion for the organization as a whole, this will also showcase the organization culture and the candidates will at least take effort to know more about the organization.
  • Helps to filter the right candidates: The job advertisement on social media will helps to filter out junk resumes and make the job recruitment process way more easier and efficient as some companies also add questions in their ads in order to find the right candidate at the initial stage.
  • Give access to a larger talented pool: the database will help to sort out the talented and qualified candidates, this will also find the profile which best fits the company positions rather than just calling in everyone who has dropped their resumes. This will also encourage passive engagement with the candidates.
  • Makes the application process smoother: Rather than just applying and waiting for the response, the organizations can also add their steps and procedures to be followed further by just providing links. Here the candidates can fill in their details which makes it a no-sweat solution for the candidates.
  • It’s free: In this era, most of the software is free and helps to save time, similarly, there are few advertisements where the organization needs to select the template that best fits their job advertisement and make few alterations to what is required. these types of job boards are affordable than physical recruiting.

The effectiveness of advertisements: –

In the early stages of the recruitment process, companies use a variety of recruitment activities that are printed recruitment adverts and recruitment websites to attract applicants (Kabst, 2014). Printed recruitment advertisements are still significant and widely utilised recruitment methods despite their declining use, although the value of recruitment websites is growing (Kabst, 2014). In terms of marketing, recruiting websites are considered high – information recruitment practises, whilst printed recruitment advertisements are considered low – information recruitment methods (Kabst, 2014). Understanding the effectiveness of more detailed job advertisements is important as the cost of advertising space is typically based on the number of words and the general size of the advertisement, especially for traditional recruitment information sources, such as newspapers, which are widely used for recruitment in the retail industry (Liu, 2020).


Interactive effects of print and website (Hybrid approach)

According to various studies, combining several recruitment tactics boosts employer, familiarity, employer reputation, and job knowledge. The information about a firm, brand, or position can be processed more readily by potential applicants by integrating communication measures (Kabst, 2014). Each activity that allows customers or applicants to interact with the brand has the capacity to increase brand awareness (Kabst, 2014).


Type of information in job advertisements

A successful job advertisement can not only improve an organization’s perceived desirability, but it can also prevent job candidates from actively seeking further job openings or company – related information from unreliable sources like previous employees and social media (Liu, 2020). Jobseekers are more likely to be exposed to negative and unofficial information if they check these informal sources, which may prevent them from applying for a position in the company (Liu, 2020).

One of the most effective design strategies recommended by researchers is to improve the productivity of job advertisement by presenting more precise job qualities, which should meet more jobseekers’ information needs, highlight the benefits of the vacant position, and increase the appeal of the firm (Liu, 2020). Numerous examinations support that more detailed work advertisements have positive outcomes. For both maximisers and satisfiers, publishing a more complete job posting will meet the information wants of more job applicants and enhance the company’s OA (Liu, 2020).

Things to be included in job advertisement:

  1. Job evaluation

The overall description gives a good idea of what the job involves. Since information is presented in greater detail in a later section of the ad, the general description does not go into great detail about what the role accomplishes (How to post a great job listing, n.d.).

  1. Responsibilities

The responsibilities and tasks of a particular position are called as duties and they differ from one job position and one organisation to another. For higher – level jobs, clear responsibilities are highlighted, whereas for lower – level jobs the tasks are mentioned clearly (How to post a great job listing, n.d.).

  1. Captivity and qualification

An individual should fulfill all educational requirements and skills in order to be successful. Here, knowledge is the body of fundamental information that the new hire must be familiar with. Skills are the physical tasks and abilities are the skills needed to perform the job. (How to post a great job listing, n.d.)

  1. Work experience requirements

The kind of work experience that is required by the candidate to fulfil the job position is mentioned in the job description and also the type of education that is demanded by the organization (How to post a great job listing, n.d.)

  1. Starting salary range

An organization must let their applicants know about the salary range they are offering to them. This must include the perks, benefits and incentives of their position (How to post a great job listing, n.d.).

  1. Applying procedure

In the job posting, the applying procedure should also be mentioned, so that it is easier for the applicants to apply for the post. Proper directions are mention in the description for the applicants so that they apply in the right way (How to post a great job listing, n.d.).


The creation of job advertisement part helps us to know about the importance of job ads and how they pave a way to develop the organization as a whole as they advertise not just the positions but also showcase the company and thereby attracts more candidates and clients from different parts of the world as most of the advertisement are done with the help of social media so that the advertisement will reach to the right person. Just like any other advertisement or letter job advertisement can be created by following a structured way. The types and effectiveness shares some easier ways to create the advertisement as there are different forms of advertisement style like for instance when advertising and RJ for radio station and hiring an HR requires different styles to be followed, this will also increase the standard of the organization. Therefore, this topic shows that technology has also made work easier and made the recruitment process less time-consuming.


How to post a great job listing. (n.d.). Retrieved from The balance career: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-information-is-included-on-a-job-posting-1669554

Kabst, R. (2014, April 24). The Effectiveness of Recruitment Advertisements and Recruitment Websites: Indirect and Interactive Effects on Applicant Attraction. Retrieved from Wiley online library: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.kpu.ca:2443/doi/10.1002/hrm.21571

Liu, Y.-L. (2020, January 25). Providing more or less detailed information in job advertisements—Does it matter? Retrieved from wiley online library: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.kpu.ca:2443/doi/full/10.1111/ijsa.12281

twinkl.ca. (2020, May 10).


Barretto, W. (2020, November 9). What is the Importance of Job Advertising in Recruitment? Jobsoid.

What is the Importance of Job Advertising in Recruitment?


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