
23 Communicating Policy Information to Stakeholders

Arley’s comments:

You’ve done some great research here and have offered some useful ways to communicate policies with stakeholders. You’ve also done some in-text citation. Right now, I would like to see more work done to use our brand voice. When you’re paraphrasing, it’s important to fully restate the point. Swapping words around often leads to sentences that don’t retain the original meaning, since words may mean similar things but have different connotations. This also makes it hard for us to use our brand voice. Also, while you gave some advice on how to communicate new policies, you might give some more examples or share some ways to help stakeholders understand the new policy. Overall, good work!

Judy’s comments:

There is some really good information here. Moving forward, it will be important to add depth to this information by researching and including information around: Why is it so important to communicate policy information to them? and What are the HR practices around these types of communications? On a separate note, the Email topic has a link that goes to an article that discusses policies about email – this is off topic from what the paragraph is about and therefore the link should be removed or updated. There is however some good information in the various linked material and therefore I would suggest adding some of this information onto the page. I really enjoyed the video however I would suggest providing an introduction to it that provides context as it is specific to something that would be considered a “Big Change”. I would also suggest to provide samples of policy communication for each of the listed communication channels/modes. Lastly, I don’t believe that the 3rd bullet under the Learning Targets is addressed and it would be of value to do so.

Learning Targets

  • Different ways of communication with stakeholders.
  • How do we effectively communicate the policies and some tips for the same.
  • Importance of communicating policies to stakeholders.



Stakeholders are the prominent and crucial parts of the business

industry. There are two types of stakeholders- internal

stakeholders and external stakeholders. The internal

stakeholders are the ones who are primarily associated

with the company’s operating activities. As they are head on involved in the business, even the slight changes will majorly effect them. (Fernando, 2021). Stakeholders who are external to a company have no direct influence on its operations.  Despite the fact that they work outside the company, they are affected in one way or another by the company’s policies, decisions, and actions.The external stakeholders are the customers, suppliers, and the government”.  Despite the fact that they work outside the company, they are affected in one way or another by the company’s policies, decisions, and actions. (Fernando, 2021).        Source- 1 for the picture (Duncan,2020)   



Employers can choose the most appropriate way to present the policy so that stakeholders can better understand the needs, benefits, impact, and sensitivity of the policies launched by the employer. (Duncan,2021). Depending on what works best for each organization, the method varies. So, different ways of communicating policies are-

  • Conducting meetings with the stakeholders
  • Information about corporate policies should be displayed on company premises
  • Email communication
  • Telecommunication
  • Internal social media (Duncan, 2021)


1. Meetings                                                             

Taking into account the situation, effectiveness, and availability of stakeholders, meetings can be conducted with all the stakeholders collectively, or with stakeholders and prominent employees altogether. Including significant employees helps in building relations amongst the management. Holding meetings in a meeting hall is the oldest and most beneficial form of meeting.  (Duncan, 2021).


Source-2 for the picture (Christina,2019)


  1. Displaying New/Updated policies  on Notice Board Putting the policy information on eye-catching places like the entrance of the office floor, notice boards or in the front page of the company website or software tools will make every member already aware of the policy.(Duncan,2021). It will start to roam around the mind, and questions might arise till the ‘real’ official meeting takes place. Additionally, all employees will feel recognized since it is noticeable to them.(Duncan,2021)
                                                                                                         Source-3 for picture (Sebastien,2019)

3. E-mails

Connecting with stakeholders is most convenient and effective through emails. Companies can convey their policies by sending official e-mails to the shareholders as it is the most formal way, a proof of the document sent, also monitoring replies is easy and even engagement with the shareholders will be more flexible. ( Kimberley,2021). for example- in Covid times, E-mails were the most useful way because the topmost effective tool for conducting regular official meetings was still yet to discover. However, some tips to ensure conveying the message in a right way are-  use simple words, avoid complex sentences, clearly state the purpose, ways through which it will be beneficial to the company.

4. One-On-One meetings

Every member has different communication priorities like- some might ask

questions or clear their doubts right away in the meeting. However, some might need to process and take some time for actual analysis of the information provided. So, it’s better and advised to have one-on-one meetings with the stakeholders so that all their doubts can be cleared individually and it will also help in developing superior relations. ( Jordav,2016).


                                                                                                    Source-4 for picture(Krakenimages,2020)

  1. Internal social media     

Using internal social media is another powerful way of communication. It is easy to set up the policy details in a safe and encrypted way. It will secure the company’s privacy and compliance policy. Sharing the policy benefits through the intranet and outlook is an example of this (Duncan, 2021). Like companies have different platforms specifically for their employees only. And that is a great way of advertising engagement amongst the employees also.(Duncan,2021)



Communicating with the stakeholders is not a very easy task. Incorporating some strategies will be more effective in order to ensure significant results of the meeting.

communication strategy for stakeholder

Source 5 for picture- Pranav under Creative Commons 2.0. Retrieved from-https://www.sustainet.com/communication-strategy-for-stakeholder/ (SustaiNet,2019)

STEP 1- Stakeholders have the right to know the correct information. it is the responsibility of HR to present the information clearly and with correct facts. Because only then the stakeholders will be able to frame right questions and will actually be precise about their benefits and also their involvement. (SustaiNet,2019)

STEP 2- Choose the correct mode of communication with the stakeholder because what works for one may not work for another. For example an employee would prefer an in hall meeting  whereas the investors would prefer initially an e-mail and then maybe over online platforms or in person meetings. So, choosing the right method does the half work already.( SustaiNet,2019)

STEP 3- Never contradict what type of response the stakeholders are giving. Instead try to understand from their perspective and reach a way out. As, it will help in shifting the thought process and also maintain the importance of the two-way communication. Because what arises in an investor’s mind might not struck to an employees mind. It helps in practising more brainstorming activities and to really go even more deeper and analyse the questions.(SustaiNet,2019)

STEP 4-  So all the doubts and questions that arose in step 3 should be resolved in this step. The concerned stakeholders are required to be informed as to what actions have been taken on their queries. Which includes sending e-mails and updating them regularly on the tasks. It will help in ensuring that everyone’s opinions matter to the company. (SustaiNet,2019)

STEP 5- Keeping track of all the conversations that took place with every member is a crucial part, Because every presenter and his team is responsible for conveying the message across. And moreover that also helps in aligning to the long-term projects where stakeholders are not allowed to move from their words. And it is also believed that making notes in a meeting develops new ideas afterwards. (SustaiNet,2019)

HR needs to make sure that the stakeholders have totally understood the purpose and evaluation of the pros and cons of the new policy. As, a stakeholder, one needs to be sure that either the new innovations, upgrades will be more beneficial than the existing ones or they will generate more income. So, a certain checklist is needed for the interpreter(HR) to take care of. Because that will help in assuring the members of positive outcomes associated to it. The above image brings across small points to be taken care of while pre- and post-presenting.

Some factors which will lead to unsatisfying results are-  not knowing how to set up the meeting with the stakeholders which is majorly influenced by the timings and method of communication. lack of information about the consistent stakeholders. Because only the consistent members are familiar with the working of the organization. Another factor is choosing the wrong spokesperson for the meeting. As, for someone who lacks efficient communication skills, presenting such an important policy would be a challenging job. Above that, he/she may not be able to totally justify all the possible internal and external factors with it. (SustaiNet,2019)




Stakeholders are any people or group of people and organizations that may be impacted by the company’s policies, goals, decisions, or practices. Stakeholders may be owners, employees, suppliers, investors, financers, business partners, government authorities, media, trade unions, etc. So Stakeholders are people in organizations whose actions impact the company’s success. (Weiss,2014).

Varied stakeholders have different priorities, interests, and attitudes.  Effective communication makes sure that stakeholders get relevant information that has a positive impact on their projects. Effective Communication of policy with stakeholders can impact business in multiple dimensions. (Ahmed, 2019).





There are lot of factors which make it necessary to communicate new policy or change to stakeholders such as-

  • It provides a better understanding of common goals – Stakeholders need to know what you’re aiming to accomplish. Employees and labor unions, for example, have a better grasp of your objectives and the benefits to the audience if they assist you in achieving them. You can attract the financing you need for major investments by communicating with investors and shareholders. (Linton, 2019).
  • Developing Positive Relationships and Influence both parties-Communication aids in the development of beneficial connections with people and organizations that affect other stakeholders, such as the media or special interest groups. Press releases, interviews with journalists, and meetings with interest groups help to improve knowledge and ensure that those groups’ messages match your viewpoint.
  • Creating confidence that will reduce misunderstanding – Stakeholder communication fosters dialogue. You may obtain a better knowledge of your stakeholders’ interests and views by hosting forums or encouraging other forms of feedback. When you communicate through forums or other forms of social media, you can respond to negative remarks and clarify any misunderstandings.
  • It increases Participation-When a new policy gets communicated it increase the participation of all stakeholders. Which also helps in faster and efficient implementation of the same. Furthermore, it also makes policies more clear and transparent. ( Benefits of Communicating and Engaging With Stakeholders, 2020).
  • It creates strong and trustworthy relationships between the company and stakeholders-

Regular communication with stakeholders and establishing a positive understanding can aid in the development of effective long-term partnerships with key groups. A strong partnership has several advantages. When clients are making purchasing decisions, communicating with them can place you in a good position.


What’s app’s new policy update – Stakeholders can help or hinder a project by changing their aims and attitudes, as well as assisting in communication with other stakeholders. Communication with a stakeholder becomes increasingly necessary as the stakeholder’s importance grows.

D’Amore (2021) In recent changes in the what’s app policy say that even if you don’t have accounts on Facebook or Instagram, the amended policy will allow What’s App to share your private data, such as location information and phone numbers, with those sites. Before the implementation of this policy, they made a general announcement where they face a lot of criticism from its users. And a lot of people even opt for another service provider. Which ultimately decreases their users with these new policy guidelines.  And now they have again amended their policy by seeing stakeholders cry over their previous policy.



HR plays an important role in the communications of new policies within the organization.HR provides internal communications to staff, partners, suppliers, and service providers. This includes company news, announcements on businesses, ventures, technology adoptions, change employment law, New Policies as well as the HR staples such as promotions & new joiner announcements.

According to Brockbank,(2016) HR practitioners are better at understanding HR processes and internal company challenges than they are at external matters (i.e. customers, competitors, capital markets, industry trends), according to previous research from the University of Michigan.HR performs several activities such as individual employee performance drivers, HR analytics, integrated HR solution, and information management. The first two items on this list have a low stakeholder impact, the latter two are statistically significant.

HR departments must present HR practices for internal stakeholders that are fully integrated and reinforce each other to provide value to line managers and employees. HR departments are expected to vertically integrate HR processes with the business strategy, according to line managers and employees. HR policies, practices, and procedures support this business integration by working together to give seamless solutions to the business

HR departments must assist the organization in identifying, accessing, and importing significant external data to assist the organization in creating value for these external stakeholders. They must next ensure that the company has the technical capabilities and social forums necessary to extract and utilize competitive insights.



Stakeholders and their relationship with the company truly describe the how successful will the company be. Therefore, communicating every change in the existing policies and introducing the new ones to the stakeholders plays a major role. Because that will be the deciding point. HR needs to make sure that every step is presented in a very clear way by choosing the most appropriate method of communication.


  1. What are the different methods of communicating policy information to stakeholders?
  2.  What factors should be kept in mind for presenting the policy?
  3. Describe the role of HR in the communication process?
  4. Whys is it important to communicate policy?




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