

Arley’s comments:

  • Good use of headings and good citation. Overall, you’ve covered a lot of the main points. You also did good research.
  • To use our brand voice, use simple phrases (important vs. imperative etc). 
  • Think about how you’ve organized the information. For example, you might want to have ‘what is a brand voice’ above ‘why is it important.’
  • Use bullet points when introducing lists
  • Give some examples. You’ve told a little bit about how to start thinking about a brand voice, but you might want to include some exercises to help the reader create their own brand voice.

Judy’s comments:

Overall the information here is a great start to this section. As Arley noted, the information could be better organization for better flow and comprehension of concepts. To add to this section I would include: how, when, and where does HR use a brand voice, brand voice dos and don’ts (pull from class materials), etc.

Why is it Important to Have a Brand Voice?

A brand voice is imperative for a business. If a business fails to clearly communicate who they are, it may make it difficult to attract consumers (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).  Finding a brand voice achievable for any industry of any size, even a small business with a small budget (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018). Consumers interact with marketing content both online or in the wild and a brand voice is how consumers will know who you are, what you sell and principles that are important to your company (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018). Successful marketing and brand voice is created by defining your voice and effectively communicating through all marketing techniques (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).

What Is a Brand Voice?

The brand voice of your company is the personality, and it is imperative to express the personality through marketing (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018). A brand voice is how your consumers will know the company’s content from competitors, even without displaying the company name or logo (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).

The company expresses its personality through word choices and tone, such as humor, informal or formal language. As well as and the material your company chooses to advertise, such as, products or services (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).

Establish Your Target Market

Marketing material will differ depending on the target audience; therefore, a brand voice cannot be defined until we know the target audience(Chou, 2021). For example, if the company is creating a brand voice for a product such as face cream, these are the following questions that need to be answered; the generation the product is intended for, is it for women or men, how old are they, is it for working professionals, do they have children, where do they live, do they do most of their shopping online, do they use social media, or what can the brand provide for them(“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).

These questions can be answered by interacting with your customers through personal interaction, data mining, focus groups, or market research (“How to Create a Brand Voice”, 2018).

Discover How Your Audience Communicates

How you communicate your brand voice depends on your target audience. Each generation utilizes absorbs differently (Chou, 2021). This is an example of behavioral data; using the most effective avenue of communication to reach the targeted consumer (Chou, 2021). For example, if your brand voice is trying to reach baby boomers, it would not be effective to use snap chat to deliver your message. But, if your target audience were Generation Z, using snap chat would be a great way to deliver your brand voice (Chou, 2021).


Chou, J. (2021). 9 Steps for Defining your Company’s Brand Voice. Retrieved from Point Visible: https://www.pointvisible.com/blog/defining-brand-voice/

How to Create a Brand Voice. (2018, August 14). Retrieved from Deluxe Corporation: https://www.deluxe.com/blog/how-to-create-a-brand-voice/#:~:text=%20The%20steps%20to%20creating%20your%20brand%20voice,brand%20voice%20to%20be%2C%20create%20a…%20More%20



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