
Further Reading

This list points to readings on themes relevant to Lorrain’s Logbook. It is organized by region, beginning in the Lushai Hills and moving outwards to encompass the globe.

The Lushai Hills (today: Mizoram)

A Compilation of Annual Reports given by the Missionaries of Baptist Missionary Society (Serkawn: Mizoram Gospel Centenary Committee, 1993).

Anderson, Herbert, Among the Lushais (London: The Carey Press, 1914).

Baptist Church of Mizoram Compendium: In Honour of BMS Mission in Mizoram, 1903–2003 (Serkawn: Centenary Committee, Baptist Church of Mizoram, 2003).

British Library Endangered Archives Programme, ‘EAP454: Locating and surveying early religious and related records in Mizoram, India’ ( 2014), available online: <https://eap.bl.uk/project/EAP454>.

Chapman, Edith and Marjorie Clark, Mizo Miracle (Madras: The Christian Literature Society, 1968).

Glover, Dorothy, Set on a Hill: The Record of Fifty Years in the Lushai County (London: Carey Press, 1944).

Hlawndo, Zaichhawna, Hnatlang Theology: Cultural Factors in Christian Missions in India (Aizawl: Christian Research Centre, 2012).

Hluna, J. V., Education and Missionaries in Mizoram (Delhi: Spectrum Publications, 1992).

Hminga, C. L., , The Life and Witness of the Churches in Mizoram (Lunglei: Baptist Church of Mizoram, 1987).

Jackson, Kyle, ‘Hearing images, tasting pictures: Making sense of Christian mission photography in the Lushai Hills District, Northeast India (1870–1920)’, in Maja Kominko, ed., From Dust to Digital: Ten Years of the Endangered Archives Programme (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2015), 445–85.

Jackson, Kyle, The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj: Empire and Religion in Mizoram, Northeast India, 1890-1920 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023)

Kipgen, Mangkhosat, Christianity and Mizo Culture: The Encounter Between Christianity and Zo Culture in Mizoram (Aizawl: The Mizo Theological Conference, 1996).

Kyles, David, Lorrain of the Lushais: Romance and Realism on the North-east Frontier of India  (London: Stirling Tract Enterprise, 1944), available online: <https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP454-6-5#>.

Lalsawma, Four Decades of Revivals, the Mizo Way (Aizawl: Lalsawma, 1994).

Lewis, Grace R., The Lushai Hills: the Story of the Lushai Pioneer Mission (London: Baptist Missionary Society, 1907).

Lloyd, John Meirion, History of the Church in Mizoram: Harvest in the Hills (Aizawl: Synod Publication Board, 1991).

Lorrain, J. H., Dictionary of the Lushai Language (Calcutta: Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1940), available online: <http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/lorrain/>.

Lorrain, R. A., Five Years in Unknown Jungles, for God and Empire (London: Lakher Pioneer Mission, 1912).

Malsawmdawngliana and Rohmingmawii, eds., Mizo Narratives: Accounts from Mizoram (Guwahati: Scientific Book Centre, 2013), 191–238.

McCall, Anthony G., Lushai Chrysalis (London: Luzac & Co., Ltd, 1949).

Mizo leh Vai Chanchin Bu, some copies available online: <https://archive.org/search?query=”Mizo leh Vai”>.

Nag, Sajal, ‘Rescuing Imagined Slaves: Colonial State, Missionary and Slavery Debate in North East India (1908-1920)’, Indian Historical Review, 39.1 (2012), 57-71.

Nag, Sajal, The Uprising: Colonial State, Christian Missionaries, and Anti-Slavery Movement in North-East India, 1908-1954 (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016).

Pachuau, Joy L. K., Being Mizo: Identity and Belonging in Northeast India (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014).

Pachuau, Joy L. K. and Willem van Schendel, The Camera as Witness: A Social History of Mizoram (Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2015).

Parry, N. E., The Lakhers (London: Macmillan and Co., 1932).

Shakespear, John, The Lushei Kuki Clans (London: Macmillan and Co., 1912).

Thanzauva, K., ed., Reports of the Foreign Mission of the Presbyterian Church of Wales on Mizoram: 1894–1957 (Aizawl: The Synod Literature and Publication Boards, 1997).

Thirumal, P., Laldinpuii, and C. Lalrozami, Modern Mizoram: History, Culture, Poetics (New York: Routledge, 2019).

Vanlalchhuanawma, Christianity and Subaltern Culture: Revival Movement as a Cultural Response to Westernisation in Mizoram (Delhi: ISPCK, 2007)

Northeast India

Bhattacharya, Neeladri and Joy L. K. Pachuau, eds., Landscape, Culture, and Belonging: Writing the History of Northeast India (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 294–313.

Dena, Lal, Christian Missions and Colonialism: A Study of Missionary Movement in Northeast India with Particular Reference to Manipur and Lushai Hills, 1894– 1947 (Shillong: Vendrame Institute, 1988).

Downs, Frederick S., Essays on Christianity in North-East India (New Delhi: Indus Publishing Company, 1994).

Dzüvichü, Lipokmar, ‘Empire on their Backs: Coolies in the Eastern Borderlands of the British Raj’, supplement, International Review of Social History, 59.S22 (2014), 1-24.

Dzüvichü, Lipokmar, ‘Roads and the Raj: The Politics of Road Building in Colonial Naga Hills, 1860s-1910s’, Indian Economic Social History Review 50.4 ( 2013), 473–94.

Eaton, Richard M., ‘Conversion to Christianity among the Nagas, 1876–1971’, The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 21.1 (1984), 1–44.

Guite, Jangkhomang, ‘Civilisation and Its Malcontents: The Politics of Kuki Raid in Nineteenth Century Northeast India’, Indian Economic and Social History Review 48.33 (2011), 339–76.

Guite, Jangkhomang, ‘Colonialism and its Unruly? The Colonial State and Kuki Raids in Nineteenth Century Northeast India’, Modern Asian Studies, 48.5 (2014), 1188–1232.

Joshi, Vibha, A Matter of Belief: Christian Conversion and Healing in Northeast India (New York: Berghahn Books, 2012).

Lipokmar and Manjeet Baruah, eds., Modern Practices in North East India: History, Culture, Representation (New York: Routledge, 2018)

May, Andrew, Welsh Missionaries and British Imperialism: The Empire of Clouds in North-East India (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012).

Rao, V. Venkata. A Century of Tribal Politics in Northeast India, 1874-1974. (New Delhi: S. Chand & Company, 1976).

Sharma, Jayeeta, Empire’s Garden: Assam and the Making of India (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011).

Thomas, John, Evangelising the Nation: Religion and the Formation of Naga Political Identity (New York: Routledge, 2016).


Frykenberg, Robert Eric, Christianity in India: From Beginnings to the Present (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)

Frykenberg, Robert Eric, ed., Christians and Missionaries in India: Cross-Cultural Communication Since 1500 (New York: Routledge, 2003).

Hardiman, David, Missionaries and their Medicine: A Christian Modernity for Tribal India (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008)

Markovits, Claude, India and the World: A History of Connections c. 1750 – 2000 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).

The World

Carey, Hilary M., God’s Empire: Religion and Colonialism in the British World, c. 1801–1908 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Etherington, Norman, ed., Missions and Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

Levine, Philippa, The British Empire: Sunrise to Sunset (Routledge, 2020)

Neill, Stephen, A History of Christian Missions (London: Penguin Books, 1990).


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