Your Next Steps

However you decide to embark on your UDL journey, whether you latch onto a small part of a comment from the students we spoke with, whether you dip back into the UDL framework, or ask yourself some of the questions from this guide, be sure to keep the conversation going. UDL is a new framework with a broad and exciting spectrum of applications. It can be big and overwhelming, especially when it intersects with values of limitless choice and responsibility. It is never meant to be work that you do alone. Connect with other UDL practitioners, with others who are curious about new paradigms of education, or simply those who are stuck and want to try another way, or another option.

For us, UDL is a collaborative effort, not a solo quest.


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Storying Universal Design for Learning Copyright © 2024 by Seanna Takacs; Lilach Marom; Alex Vanderveen; and Arley Cruthers McNeney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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