
2 Tutoring

Peer Tutoring

Peer tutors are highly trained KPU students who provide a wide range of subject area tutoring and writing support across the disciplines. You can book a face-to-face or online appointment at tlc.kpu.ca.
Tutors are available at all campuses and can provide support for the following:

Accounting English Writing Mahara
Anthropology Entrepreneurial Leadership Mandarin
Astronomy ESL Speaking Marketing
Biology Fashion Mathematics
Business Fine Arts Digital Media Music
Business Math French Philosophy
Business Statistics Geography Physics
Chemistry History Political Science
Communications Horticulture Psychology
Computer Information Systems Human Anatomy Reading
Computer Science Human Resources Management Sociology
Computer-Aided Design Interior Design Spanish
Criminology Japanese Statistics
Economics Learning Strategies Study Skills
English Legal Administrative Studies Writing
English as a Second Language Linguistics

Faculty support in the Learning Centres.

Each semester the English Department provide the services of two instructors who help to train and mentor our writing tutors, and who tutor students themselves.

The Mathematics Department also support Math development in the Learning Centre through a variety of math instructors who also meet with our tutors and assist students who come for help.

Online Office Hours in the Learning Centre

The Learning Centres welcome faculty who wish to host office hours in TutorOcean to assist their students. If you are an instructor who wishes to offer office hours in our flexible and supportive environment online platform, please feel free to contact us at TLCOnline@kpu.ca.


Get Connected!

You can activate your account now! To schedule a consultation with a tutor or Learning Strategist, please follow the steps below.

Face to Face or Online Appointments

Visit  tlc.kpu.ca to sign up

  1. Search for a Tutoring Subject or a Tutor’s Name
  2.  Select “View Profile” of your chosen tutor

  3. Select “Book a Session”

  4. Select a Time

  5. Fill in the appointment details in the form

  6. Select “Book Session”



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To the extent possible under law, The Learning Centre has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Learning Centres Services and Workshop Guide Spring 2021, except where otherwise noted.