Book Title: Looking Back Moving Forward
Subtitle: A Rearview Reflection of the year 2022
Book Description: We entered the decade of 2020 with events that have transformed the global landscape in ways that will be felt for generations to come. From the COVID-19 pandemic to rampant inflation, devastating wars, and a wave of technological advancements, the past few years have opened the door to a new era of change and challenge.As we move into the future, it's clear that the year 2022 was a pivotal turning point that shaped the course of history. It marked the emergence of the most significant large-scale war in Europe since the Second World War, as well as a string of economic and ecological disasters that disrupted global systems.For international relations and political science, 2022 was a year of seismic change that saw long-held beliefs and structures unravel before our very eyes. The events of that year have challenged existing political assumptions and ushered in new theories and frameworks.This book delves into the many phenomena that occurred in those 365 days, shedding light on the complex interplay of forces that shaped our world. It offers a serious and in-depth analysis of the events that unfolded in 2022, providing a crucial perspective for historians, scholars, and policymakers seeking to understand the course of contemporary politics and its implications for the future.
Book Information
Looking Back Moving Forward Copyright © by School of Impact Politics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Politics and government