
Accessibility Statement

This page explains the steps you have taken to address accessibility concerns and comply with the BCcampus Checklist for Accessibility.

Do not remove the Adaptation Statement at the end of the chapter!


How to use this page template:

  • Insert book details where indicated by [square brackets]
  • Remove any accessibility features that do not apply
  • Update list of available file formats, including which print version you are using.
  • Fill out any missing accessibility features and pieces
  • Fill out the date

For OERs to be truly open they must be accessible. In the same way that a free resource does not mean that the resource is open, a resource is not open just because it is available. When OER projects are accessible, they become more:

  • inclusive, accounting for different methods, mediums, and modes of engaging with the content
  • sustainable, delivering content when tools and technologies break down
  • sharable, expanding reach and impact

Accessibility features of the web version of this resource

The web version of [Textbook Name] has been designed with accessibility in mind by incorporating the following features:

  • It has been optimized for people who use screen-reader technology.
    • all content can be navigated using a keyboard
    • links, headings, and tables are formatted to work with screen readers
    • images have alt tags
  • Videos have captions with transcripts available for download
  • Information is not conveyed by colour alone.
  • There is an option to increase font size (see tab on top right of screen).

The web version of this resource follows all guidelines in the BCcampus Checklist for Accessibility.

Alternative Formats

In addition to the web version, this book is available in a number of file formats including PDF, EPUB (for eReaders), MOBI (for Kindles), and various editable files.  This textbook is available in the following formats:

  • Online webbook. You can read this textbook online on a computer or mobile device in one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.
  • PDF. You can download this book as a PDF to read on a computer (Digital PDF) or print it out (Print PDF).
  • Mobile. If you want to read this textbook on your phone or tablet, you can use the EPUB (eReader) or MOBI (Kindle) files.
  • HTML. An HTML file can be opened in a browser. It has very little style so it doesn’t look very nice, but some people might find it useful.

You can access the online webbook and download any of the formats for free here: [Book title and URL]. To download the book in a different format, look for the “Download this book” drop-down menu and select the file type you want.

How can I use the different formats?
Format Internet required? Device Required apps Accessibility Features Screen reader compatible
Online webbook Yes Computer, tablet, phone An Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari) WCAG 2.0 AA compliant, option to enlarge text, and compatible with browser text-to-speech tools Yes
PDF No Computer, print copy Adobe Reader (for reading on a computer) or a printer Ability to highlight and annotate the text. If reading on the computer, you can zoom in. Unsure
EPUB and MOBI No Computer, tablet, phone Kindle app (MOBI) or eReader app (EPUB) Option to enlarge text, change font style, size, and colour. Unsure
HTML No Computer, tablet, phone An Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari) WCAG 2.0 AA compliant and compatible with browser text-to-speech tools. Yes


Known accessibility issues and areas for improvement

While we strive to ensure that this resource is as accessible and usable as possible, we might not always get it right. Any issues we identify will be listed below. There are currently no known issues.

List of Known Accessibility Issues
Location of issue Need for improvement Timeline Work around


This statement was last updated on [Date]. 

Adapted from the Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition by BCcampus, licensed under CC-BY.

Adapted from For Students: How to Access and Use this Textbook by Chad Flinn and Mark Overgaard, licensed under CC-BY.




Icon for the CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license

To the extent possible under law, Amanda Grey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Pressbooks Template, except where otherwise noted.