
Appendix B: Assignment Template

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Faculty Fellowship


Assignment Template


  1. Assignment Title*

Describe the Assignment not the course. Example: Mapping Food Access in Our Neighborhood


  1. Author 1*

Type name as you would like it to appear on the assignment. Example: Dr. J. Jones


  1. Author 1 Institution*

Select your institution


  1. Author 2

Type name as you would like it to appear on the assignment. Example: Dr. J. Jones


  1. Author 2 Institution

Select your institution


  1. Author 3

Type name as you would like it to appear on the assignment. Example: Dr. J. Jones


  1. Author 3 Institution

Select your institution


  1. Cohort year*

Select your cohort year


  1. Which primary goal will be the focus of your assignment?*

For more information visit: https://sdgs.un.org/goals


  1. Within the above SDG which specific target does your assignment focus on?

https://sdgs.un.org/goals: Click on the goal and select targets and indicators.


  1. Other than the primary goal indicated in #9, is the assignment focused on any additional UN SDG(s)? If so, which one(s)?

For more information visit: https://sdgs.un.org/goals


  1. Introduction text to include in all assignments. Fill in the blanks in the final sentence.*

You are a part of a global effort to increase access to education and empower students through “open pedagogy.”  Open pedagogy is a “free access” educational practice that places you – the student – at the center of your own learning process in a more engaging, collaborative learning environment.  The ultimate purpose of this effort is to achieve greater social justice in our community in which the work can be freely shared with the broader community.  This is a renewable assignment that is designed to enable you to become an agent of change in your community through the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  For this work, you will integrate the disciplines of __________________ and __________________

Example text: Sociology; Biology (up to three disciplines)

  1. Assignment Learning Objectives*

What do you want students to learn?


  1. Purpose/Rationale of the Assignment*

How will the knowledge, skills, or activities be useful in the students’ major, career, civic, or personal life?


Example text: “This active learning practice is designed to improve your academic skills, increase community connections, and improve social justice for our community.”


15-17. Assignment Instructions*

Describe the components of the assignment clearly. Make the key steps in your assignment explicit and include the sequencing of assignment steps. Are there tips to include that would help student be successful?


  1. Format Requirements

If you have specific parameters for the assignment (e.g., length, size, formatting, citation conventions), specify them here.


  1. Would you be willing to share any existing supporting information including assessment criteria, rubrics, checklists, or schedules for scaffolded assignments and feedback to students?*

If yes, a link will be provided via email to upload additional content.


  1. Which Creative Commons copyright license will you apply to this work?*


For information about or to choose which license is best for you visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ or https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

UN Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship Copyright © 2021 by Deborah Baker; Christine Crefton; Urooj Nizami; Jamie Witman; Josie Milliken; Rajiv Jhangiani; Robin DeRosa; Michael Mills; and Carla Ghanem is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.