
12 Task 8: Develop Recommendations for Challenges 2-3

Christina Page

Learning Objectives

By the time you complete this section, you will have

  • Used instructor feedback to edit your first recommendation and to identify strategies for writing the next two recommendations effectively
  • Drafted the remaining recommendations in your report

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” – Bill Gates

During the learning process, we have many opportunities to receive feedback about the quality of our learning and work.  Considering and acting on this feedback is a step in creating the most effective report possible. Before you continue drafting your remaining recommendations, you will consider your initial feedback, make changes to improve your report, and plan to implement this feedback as you write the remaining sections of the report.

Questions for reflection:  After you have received feedback on your first recommendation, discuss the questions below in your next group meeting.

  • What grade do we hope to achieve on this assignment? ________
  • To what extent are we on track for meeting this goal?
  • What about our first recommendation was effective?
  • What does the feedback about our first recommendation indicate we should change?
  • How will this feedback be helpful as we complete the assignment?

At the end of your discussion, complete a chart like the one below.  Based on your feedback, what should you stop doing?  What do you need to start doing in order to be effective in this assignment? What should you continue to do (these are things that are already effective in your report that you want to carry forward through the rest of the assignment).

Use Evaluation to Support Planning


Next Steps: Edit and Continue Drafting Recommendations

Now that you have considered your feedback, you have two tasks to complete.

  1. Use the feedback to improve your first recommendation by editing.
  2. Write your next two recommendations implementing your key learnings from this exercise.


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Organizational Behaviour Group Project Workbook Copyright © by Christina Page; Lesley McCannell; and Andre Iwanchuk is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.