Balbir Gurm
This is the second edition of the book. The first edition is still accessible..
I want to thank members of NEVR, past and present, for helping us learn about the work being done at the front-line and in policy and legislation, and allowing us to share academic understandings of Relationship Violence (RV). A special shout out, to my co-editor Dr. Jennifer Marchbank for her relentless support of NEVR and this resource. As well, a special shoutout to the entire team who helped produce the first edition. Sobana Jaya Madhawan for hosting our first edition book launch and general feedback on the entire book, Jim Cessford for the police perspective, Sonia Bilku Andhi, CJ Rowe and A. Alexon for reviewing the first edition, Sheila Early and Glaucia Salgado for helping edit the first edition and the authors for their contributions.
Harjit Kaur, Shahnaz Rahman and Rebecca Shaw thank-you for your thoughtful and critical review of this edition and Amarjit Sahota for writing the preface for the first and second editions. Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) thank-you for being our biggest supporter and providing a grant to hire a student assistant to update this book. KPU, you have supported NEVR since its conception with space and resources, we are grateful. Carson Adams, our student assistant, this work would not have been possible without your assistance. Thank-you for doing anything we asked of you. To Gender Studies Students at SFU Kexin Hu, Nidhi Ghelani, Nikita Mitra, and Megan Hunter thank-you for going through the first edition and conducting literature searches and finding broken links for some of the chapters, this made it easier for us to update the book.
I also thank the former Provincial Office of Domestic Violence (2012-2017), the BC and Canadian government and local MLAs and MPs for your ongoing support, your willingness to attend conferences and/or listen to our concerns, I am grateful. To the past and present mayors of Surrey and Delta for your unrelenting support, thank-you.
My project team, those who authored or co-authored chapters with me Jennifer Marchbank, Glaucia Saldago, Sheila Early, Haley Hrymak, Simmi Sandhu, Carson Adams & co-editor Jennifer Marchbank, thank you for your time, support and knowledge sharing.
The first edition of the book is being used by 6 post-secondary institutions in the Lower Mainland that I am aware of. I hope many more institutions will be added to this list.
KPU’s teaching and learning centre colleague (Amanda Grey) thank-you for technology and administrative support.
To the victims/survivors of relationship violence, your stories inspire me to continue this work. I hope this resource will continue to improve collaborative and preventitive efforts, programs and services to address and eliminate relationship violence.
To all of you, I am sincerely grateful for wanting to learn and address this issue!