HostMath Equation Editor

Brown Computer Science LaTeX Symbols Cheat Sheet [PDF]

Art of Problem Solving: LaTeX Symbols

Art of Problem Solving: LaTeX Layout

Art of Problem Solving: LaTeX Commands

LaTeX – Multiline equations, systems and matrices

  • For the {array} tag, an align command (e.g.{c}{r}{lc}) is needed, but not for{matrix}
  • Instead of \overset and \underset, use {matrix} to avoid shrinking the font size
  • Different matrix tags are available with different parentheses, the \begin matrix tag and the \end matrix tag could be different (e.g. \begin{Bmatrix}…\end{vmatrix} note: tags are case sensitive)

LateX: Symbols

Detexify, a website where you can draw a symbol and get suggested LaTeX equivalents

To achieve a simple overlapping of an underbrace and an overbrace, view this screenshot:


How to change font:

  1. Open Settings > QuickLaTeX in Pressbooks.
  2. Select the “Advanced” tab.
  3. Paste the following into the textbox: \usepackage{font package name}
    1. Example: \usepackage{mathptmx}
    2. Here is a list of fonts:



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LaTeX in Pressbooks: An Introduction and Workflow Copyright © by Caroline Daniels and Arianna is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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