
9 Unit 4 Assignment Delivery: Entrepreneurial Plan

Now that you have identified three of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that appeal to you the most, and researched some of the challenging root causes associated with them, it’s time to choose one for your entrepreneurial plan. Choose the SDG that gets you the most excited, the one you are the most passionate about. With this SGD in mind, determine what your potential entrepreneurial opportunity is to help address this SDG. You will use the entrepreneurial process outlined in Unit 3, and your process map from your Unit 3 assignment to develop your entrepreneurial plan to help address this sustainable development goal of your choice. Your entrepreneurial plan should include three main sections (excluding the cover page, table of contents and appendices): Problem, Opportunity, Plan and make sure to use the principles and guidance from Unit 3 on the entrepreneurial process.

Problem (Identify & Analyze) (approx 100 – 200 words up front + appendix to show analysis)

  1. The SDG and the extent of the need for action
  2. Key challenges associated with achieving this SDG
  3. Outline (at least some of) the root causes

Opportunity (Identify & Analyze) (approx 150-250 words up front + appendix to show analysis)

  1. Explain the entrepreneurial opportunity that can be done to help achieve this goal (this could be large or small, but it needs to be entrepreneurial, actionable, and unique (i.e not about changing policies or governance level challenges that are slow and can take decades)? Brainstorm, think creatively, and feel free to start small!
  2. Outline clearly how the opportunity addresses at least one of the root causes you identified in the problem section
  3. Indicate if there is a group of people who will pay you money for what you’re doing, and if this matters, and how much (roughly) will they pay for the value you’re providing (note this needs to be based on evidence and logic)

Plan (Identify, Analyze & Plan) (approx 500-750 words + appendix to show analysis)

  1. What makes you uniquely able to make this opportunity happen?
  2. Can you do this on your own or will you need help? If you need help, who will help? Who will be on your team and what skills do they need?
  3. What resources do you need access to? Facilities? Materials? Social Media? Others? How will you get these?
  4. What is the timeline to make this happen?

Technical specifications:

Check with your instructor but this could be presented as a proposal document, presentation or something else. You could use Word, Adobe, Canva, PPT, Prezi, WordPress or many other means to bring this together. Check the modality you want to use with your instructor, bearing in mind the approximate section depth guidelines above.

For formality, I would suggest having a cover page and table of contents and appendices to show your supporting analysis


Develop your Entrepreneurial Plan and let’s change the world!


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Introduction to Entrepreneurship Copyright © 2021 by Katherine Carpenter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.