
24 How to Pick a Major – Gurshaildeep

How to pick a major:

  1. To pick a major, the thing which matters the most is your interest.

  1. Secondly, your major depends on your last qualification either you were graduate or post-graduate, so the stream in which you did your past study could be chosen to pursue major studies. This is because you have better understanding about the field as you studied it for long time.
  2. Then, your knowledge matters, like you did Medical in 12th grade, having biology, chemistry, and physics, so in which subject you have more knowledge can be chosen as major to attain good scores.

It means if you have knowledge regarding any field and your action (means work) towards that produce an outcome (result) which could be known as power. So, pick your major by looking into your knowledgeable field to show more power or better results.

 4. Some people pick major by wondering which field having more scope, by which we can earn more money, so it is only beneficial if you have the capability to learn new things easily in less time. But, if you have no interest or not able to grab things easily, then it’s not advantageous to took that as a major. It will be just wastage of money and time.

5. The last thing I want to share is that, kindly pick your major according to your financial status, do not pick much costly major, so that you are not able to pay the fee and unwontedly you must drop that just due to lack of money.


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