6 Manage bibliographic information

Managing Citation Information

Another key part of your information management will be keeping good records of all sources that you need to cite.  There are a few methods you may choose to use:

  1. Add a page to your online notebook (e.g. Onenote) specifically for recording all citations.  Add the full citation to your page immediately after you find useful information; this prevents spending additional time re-finding citation information later.
  2. Use a citation management program (e.g. Zotero).  If you think you may pursue further study (e.g. graduate school), investing some time in using this software may be a worthwhile time investment.  You may also find this useful in your professional resource library later on.

Optional activity:  View this short Zotero tutorial to determine if it might work for you.

Mastering legal citation

In this course, in addition to APA, you will use a citation style called McGill to create legal citations.  The KPU Library has produced a 2-page guide that you can download.

This video introduces you to the steps of legal citation.

The KPU Library also provides an overview of legal citation here.

What if I”m still stuck?

Did you know that KPU is a part of the Ask a Librarian service?  During most hours of the day, you can live chat to a librarian for help.  Visit this page to find the Ask a Librarian service, and other options for contacting librarians for help.

Tips and tricks for building your references page

Did you know that library databases often include tools to help you automatically generate citations?  While you will still have to check what the computer generates, this can significantly save time as you prepare your references.  The video below explains the steps for generating references in APA format from the library website.


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Information Management for Employment Law Copyright © 2019 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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