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Other Books by Brad C. Anderson
Educators Interested in Teaching Organizational & Managerial Wisdom
What is wisdom?
Can we teach wisdom?
Let's start our journey
Organizational and managerial wisdom
What is an organization?
Individual aspects of wisdom
Group aspects of wisdom
Organizational aspects of wisdom
Strategic aspects of wisdom
All this sounds great, but how do we achieve it?
Critical Realism
So, what is critical realism?
The real domain
The actual domain
The empirical domain
How does critical realism help us understand organizations?
What does this have to do with organizational wisdom?
What's next?
What are values?
Why do we avoid discussing values?
Framework 1: Public sector values
Framework 2: Political values
Why do we have so many values?
The ways values interact
Values guide wise action
What is Rationality?
Forms of rationality
Disembedded rationality
Embedded rationality
Embodied rationality
Collective rationality
Practical reason
How do we blend rationalities?
Knowledge is required but insufficient for wise action
Where to now?
Dimensions of power
Faces and sites of power
How do people and groups exercise power?
How will you view power?
Wisdom is action-oriented
Values and Power
Values as social structures
Values and power as social structures
Acting to overcome constraining structures
The relationship between values and power
Rationality and power
Rationality as social structures
The relation between rationality and power
Rationality and power as social structures
Values, Rationality and Power – Personal Considerations
Using Values and Rationality to Solve Complex Problems
Building Supportive Alliances
Using Rationality to Create Allies: Producing Power Relations
Resistance and Conflict
When Resistance Turns Into a Fight
Finding Champions to Help
Where to next?
Values, Rationality, and Power – Organizational Considerations
Incorporating Values in Recruitment Processes
Building Teams Capable of Wise Action
Creating an Organization That Can Tackle The Unknown
Actions and Attitudes That Enhance Collective Reasoning
Appreciative Inquiry Approaches to Facing "Wicked Problems"
A Willingness to Experiment
Creating Structures That Facilitate Organizational Wisdom
Develop Bureaucratic, Institutional and Contextual (Cultural) Rationality About Your Operating Environment
The Path Forward
Tools to Develop Your Wisdom
The Challenges of Developing Wisdom
Wisdom Starts with Your Mindset
Getting the Best Out of Your Experience
Reflection Journaling
Developing Social and Emotional Intelligence
Moving forward
Finding the Courage to Act
What is Courage
Structures Constraining Our Ability to Act Per Our Values
Structures Enabling Our Ability to Act Per Our Values
If You Remember One Thing, Remember This
The Seniors Program: A case study
What was the Seniors Program?
Organizational structure of the Seniors Program
Timelines of the Seniors Program
As an aside, how do you delay frailty?
Further Reading
About the Author
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Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom - 2nd Edition (Audio plus text version) Copyright © 2024 by Brad C. Anderson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.