This section includes guidance to support the team to write Chapter 3 of the self-study report. Refer to the Chapter 3 of the self-study guide (guide #4) and self-study report template as you review the following sections.

Descriptions and examples provided in each of the following curriculum assessment pieces will help the program review team to review the current curriculum profile of the program. The curriculum review consists of the following: 3.1) review of the career pathways; 3.2) assessment of program competencies; 3.3) identifying credential level specifications; 3.4) review of program-level outcomes; 3.5) review of current program description; and 3.6) creation of a curriculum map that connects program outcomes to course outcomes.


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PROGRAM REVIEW : Curriculum Design & Delivery Review Guide (2) Copyright © 2020 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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