See below a breakdown of assets required in the assessment of curriculum design and delivery portions of the program review.

Curriculum Review (Chapter 3 of the Self- Study Guide)

Illustration 1 below highlights components and interrelationships that program reviewers will be expected to consider when carrying out the curriculum review portion of the program review in Chapter 3 of the Self-Study Guide.

Pathways Mapping
Program Competencies
Credential Level Specifications
Program Outcomes
Program Description
Curriculum Mapping


                                      Illustration 01: Curriculum Review 
















Course Design & Delivery Review (Chapter 4 of the Self- Study Guide)

Illustration 2 highlights the essential components that will be reviewed in Chapter 4 of the Self-Study Guide that will focus on course design and delivery review portions of the program review process.

Course Outcomes
Alignment of Learning and Assessments with Course Outcomes
Modes of Delivery
Currency of Course Content and Resources
Use of Technology


                        Illustration 02: Course Design & Delivery Review


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PROGRAM REVIEW : Curriculum Design & Delivery Review Guide (2) Copyright © 2020 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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