4.5. Use of Technology Tools

The program review team is required to evaluate the use of technology tools to delivery courses in the program.

After completing this section, the program review team may determine opportunities to revise the technology tools used to deliver courses and provide these recommendations in the self-study report.

4.5.1. Evaluate the Use of Technology Tools to Deliver Courses in the Program

The following guiding questions is provided to support evaluation the efficacy of technology tools used to deliver learning and assessments in courses in your program.

  • Irrespective of the modality of delivery, faculty members use a variety of technology tools to deliver learning and assessment content to students. List the type, variety of such technology tools used.
  • Does your faculty consider pedagogical reasons when selecting these technological tools? Provide examples.
  • What barriers would faculty members face when accessing, using, setting up, receiving support when utilizing these technologies to design and deliver courses?
  • How comfortable are your faculty members with technology tools provided and approved by KPU to be used to design and deliver courses in your program? Consider including questions to the faculty survey if this question is not currently covered in the list of standard questions provided by OPA.
  • How comfortable are your student population with technology tools used by faculty in your program? Consider including questions in the student survey.
  • Does your student population have access related issues when it comes to use of these technologies? Consider including questions in the student survey.
  • What measures does your faculty take to protect the privacy of your students when using these technology tools?
  • Provide any other information pertaining to the evaluation of technology tools in this section.

4.5.2. Next Steps

Refer to the Self-Study Guide (KPU Program Review Guide Series #4) Chapter 4, section 4.5 (Use of technology tools). Follow the instructions provided in that section.

Refer to the Survey Development Guide (KPU Program Review Guide Series #3). Review the list of standard questions provided by OPA for student, faculty, alumni and industry/discipline surveys. These surveys incorporate key questions that should be asked of the various stakeholders to ensure a full picture of the program. You may wish to revise the wording of the standard questions to better align with your program. You are also free to incorporate additional questions to seek feedback on other topics related to the content you reviewed in this chapter. However, it is recommended to not make surveys too long or complex, and all additional questions should be carefully considered to ensure they will provide valuable data. If you wish to add custom questions to the student, faculty, alumni, and  industry/discipline surveys, use the template provided in Survey Development Guide to develop and submit custom questions to OPA at sscpr@kpu.ca. The Quality Assurance Team at OPA will assist with the wording and sequencing of the custom questions to help get useful and relevant results.


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PROGRAM REVIEW : Curriculum Design & Delivery Review Guide (2) Copyright © 2020 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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