4.2. Alignment of Learning & Assessments with Outcomes

4.2.1. Alignment of Learning and Assessments  

After completing this section, the program review team may identify potential cases of misalignment between learning activities, assessments with course outcomes. Recommendations to correct these misalignments needs to be addressed in the self-study report.

Appendix 10: Alignment of Learning and Assessment with Outcomes

See below guiding questions as the program review team evaluate the alignment of learning and assessments activities with course outcomes. Ideally, this review needs to be carried out for each discipline specific course. If this is not possible due to time and resource constraints, select a few key discipline specific courses offered year 1, 2, 3 & 4 and subject them to the following analysis.

Disciple Specific Courses – Name & Number
Assessment Activities Learning Activities
  • What kind of assessments activities are delivered across the multiple sections of the course?
  • Is there a variety of assessments offered in this course?
  • Is there variety of assessment types? For example, are all assessments writing or exam based? Consider multiples ways for students to demonstrate their learning.
  • Do your course assessments meet UDL principles?
  • Are the assessments designed within a course evaluate/aligned with the course outcomes specified in the course? Provide examples of alignment and misaligned cases
  • Are the assessments meet the complexity level specified in the course outcomes?
  • Do assessments take into consideration the delivery mode used to offer courses in your program?
  • Are assessments across multiple course sections in your department consistent? and/or is meeting consistency important requirement for your program?
  • What kind of learning activities are delivered across multiple sections of the course?
  • Is there a variety of learning activities offered in this course?
  • Is there diversity in modes/tools used to deliver learning activities across courses in your program?
  • Do your course learning activities meet UDL principles?
  • Is the content delivered via learning activities meet the complexity specified in course outcomes and assessments?
  • Do students get an opportunity to practice/demonstrate skills, competencies that are measured via course outcomes and assessments?
  • Do learning activities take into consideration the delivery mode used to offer courses in your program?
  • Are learning activities across multiple course sections in your department consistent? and/or is meeting consistency important requirement for your program?

4.2.2. Next Steps

Refer to the Self-Study Guide (KPU Program Review Guide Series #4) Chapter 4, section 4.1 (course learning outcomes). Follow the instructions provided in that section.


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