4.4. Currency of Course Content and Resources

The program review team is required to evaluate the currency of all teaching resources used to delivery courses in the program.

After completing this section, the program review team may identify the need to update the currency of course content and resources and should include recommendations in the self-study report.

4.4.1. Evaluate Currency of Content and Resources

Refer to guiding questions listed below to evaluate the currency of content and resources used in courses delivered in the program.

  • Provide the composition (type, mixture, how many) of content/resources used to deliver courses in the program? For example, resources based on textbooks, journal articles, closed/open resources, audio, videos, interactive media, etc.?
  • Are these types of content current and up to date?
  • Are your faculty members creating content on their own or using publisher based, public, open resources?
  • Have faculty members, department used/considered using open resources to deliver content in courses in your program? If not, provide the reasons.
  • Provide any other information pertaining to the evaluation of course content and resources in this section.

4.4.2. Next Steps

Refer to the Self-Study Guide (KPU Program Review Guide Series #4) Chapter 4, section 4.4 (Currency of content and resources). Follow the instructions provided in that section.


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PROGRAM REVIEW : Curriculum Design & Delivery Review Guide (2) Copyright © 2020 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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