
24 Activity: Creating Citations

As you’ve learned, creating a citation requires a few steps:

  1. Identify the type of source,
  2. Identify the W’s of the work (Who, When, What, Where),
  3. Write the footnotes (or endnotes) and bibliographic citation using the W’s and guidance from an example from the Chicago Style QuickGuide. Pay attention to correct formatting (punctuation, spacing, capitalization, italics).
  4. Proofread your work.


Complete the activities below to practice creating citations. NOTE THAT THESE ARE DIFFERENT KIND OF SOURCES THAN THE ONES WE HAVE ALREADY COVERED.


Activity 1

Screenshot of newspaper article. Top left reads" Native self-rule on the agenda Rudy Platiel, Native Affairs Reporter, The Globe and Mail (1936-2017), Sep. 4, 1990, ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail, pg. A4.

Activity 2


Screenshot of a documentary from a KPU database. Left top shows CBC Radio-Canada and the logo curio.ca. Picture of a young woman in middle. Text besides the picture reads: The Oka Legacy, followed by short description of the documentary, the year 2015, the length 00:44:07, and added on 12/01/2015. Underneath the picture it reads Team: Sonia Bonspille-Boileau (Director) and names of various producers. At the bottom of the page it reads: All rights reserved, copyright CBC/Radio Canada 2013-2017.


Activity 3


Screenshot of a book chapter. Top left shows JSTOR logo, underneath reads: Book Chapter. 4 Respect for the Indian Child Welfare Act and its reflection on tribal sovereignty. Kurt D. Siedschlaw. pp. 104-122 (19 pages). https://doi.org... Stable URL https://www.jstor.org... From the book Traditional, national, and international law and Indigenous communities. Marianne O. Nielsen, Karen Jarrat-Snider. 2000. University of Arizona Press.


Activity 4


Screenshot of a website. URL is www150.statcan.gc.ca. Left top is the Canadian Flag and Statistics Canada. Heading on page says "Aboriginal Peoples: Fact Sheet for British Columbia", underneath "Archived Content", "Release date: March 14, 2016, and a button to a PDF version of the content.


When clicking on “View the most recent version” the following page comes up:

Screenshot of the first page of the PDF version of the document on the Statistics Canada website. On top left it reads: Catalogue no. 89-656-X2016011, ISBN 978-0-860-02930-6. Underneath it reads "Aboriginal Peoples: Fact Sheets" and then "Aboriginal peoples: Fact Sheet for British Columbia". Further down on the page it says: Karen Kelly-Scott and Paula Arriagada, Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Release date: March 14, 2016. At the bottom of the page is the Canadian Flag and the name Statistics Canada. In the middle of the page to the right is a picture depicting a circle with a sun divided into three raindrop shapes, depicting a feather, an infinity symbol, and an inukshuck respectively. The border of the circle reads "Aboriginal Statistics Program ... Programme de la statistique autochtone"





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Chicago Style Citations Copyright © 2021 by Ulrike Kestler and Sigrid Kargut is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.