
The Biology Laboratory Environment

While working in the Biology Laboratory there are three main areas of safety and consideration for others that you must be aware of. These are:

  • Handling of body fluids.
  • Food and cell phones

This page gives a brief introduction to these three areas. The following pages give more complete information and should be read before coming to the lab.

1. Handling of body fluids

During the biology courses you will be doing lab work using blood and urine. To ensure your safety, and the safety of others in the lab, you must know the proper techniques for the handling and disposal of these fluids and the equipment used. The following page (end of section) is a set of general rules for the handling body fluids. Make sure that you read and understand these rules before you do any work involving these fluids. You will also be required to complete and sign the Safety Contract on the next page and turn it in to the lab.

In addition to these general rules there will be a handout giving a set of specific instructions with each lab pertaining to the equipment and procedures for that experiment. You must also read this handout before doing the experiment.


A few labs in the Biology 1160 and 1260 courses involve the handling of body fluids, including human blood. It is vital that you, as a future nurse, become accustomed to using the proper procedures when handling these fluids. This handout outlines the general policy for handling body fluids and the equipment used during these labs. You may also be given more specific instructions for particular procedures or pieces of equipment, but you still must be familiar with these general rules. Make sure that you take the time to read and understand them. If you have any questions regarding these procedures please ask a lab supervisor or instructor.

Before you will be permitted to do any experiment involving body fluids you must:

  1. Read these safety guidelines
  2. Answer the questions in the next chapter
  3. Discuss your answers with an instructor in the lab
  4. Sign the safety contract on the next page and turn it in to the lab

During a lab:

  • When handling body fluids, equipment that comes in contact with body fluids, or when using a work surface which may be contaminated you must wear gloves and a lab coat.
  • Always use your own fresh pair of gloves and discard them in a Biohazard container when you are finished with them.
  • All work surfaces must be disinfected with 10% bleach solution before and after doing an experiment.
  • All equipment must be cleaned with 10% bleach solution, or put in the appropriate disposal container after use.
  • All disposable materials (e.g. paper towels, alcohol swabs) that may have come into contact with body fluids must be disposed of in a Biohazard container- not a regular garbage can. This includes paper towels used to clean work surfaces.
  • Re-usable materials and sharp items (eg.scalpels, blood lancets) that may have come in contact with body fluids must be placed in the designated container described in the specific procedures with each experiment.
  • All procedures involving body fluids must be carried out in the area designated for the experiment, and you should never take equipment or materials out of that area. Only those students actually performing an experiment are permitted in this area. All other students must stay outside of this area.
  • After completing an experiment and clean up you should wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap.


The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a system of data sheets and labels designed to protect you from a variety of hazardous materials. Please read this information and familiarize yourself with the components of WHMIS.

3. Food and Cell Phones

No food or drinks (including water) are permitted in the lab, and all cell phones must be turned off. Please read the document pertaining to food/drink in a lab for more complete information. This document must also be signed and turned into the lab.


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