
Cheating and Plagiarism


Cheating, which includes plagiarism, occurs where a student or a group of students uses or attempts to use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials or methods. Cheating is a serious educational offense.

Plagiarism occurs where a student represents the work of another person as his or her own.


Kwantlen Polytechnic University condemns all forms of cheating.

The University will discipline student cheating in the following manner:

  • for most first offenses, a grade of zero will be awarded for the affected assignment, test, paper, analysis, etc.;
  • for most second offenses, a failing grade will be assigned in the affected course;
  • depending on the circumstances surrounding a first or second offense, a more severe level of discipline may be imposed by the college;
  • where deemed appropriate in the circumstances, for any third offense, the matter must be referred to the University Vice President Academic under Policy No. 21 Student Conduct for the assignment of discipline, which may include suspension or expulsion from the University.
  • Any student who contributes to an act of academic dishonesty by another student may face disciplinary action.

This policy must be communicated in all Course Presentations.

Procedural Guidelines

  • When an instructor or invigilator believes that a student has cheated ( which includes intent to cheat), the student will be asked for an explanation of the events that led the instructor or invigilator to make the allegation. If after hearing the explanation, the instructor or invigilator still believes that the student cheated, the instructor or invigilator will gather all available evidence and inform the Dean in writing. Documentation should include, but is not limited or restricted to, a clear description of the offense (the date when the incident occurred or was detected, the course number and section, the student’s name and number); evidence (cheat notes, plagiarized samples, photocopies of, or actual, unpermitted aids or materials, etc.) as applicable; and names and phone numbers of witnesses if applicable. It should be sent to the Dean within 10 days of the incident or discovery, unless there are problems contacting the student. The instructor or invigilator will inform the student of his/her decision regarding the assignment of a grade to the affected work and that the documentation will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean.
  • The Dean, upon (and only upon) receipt of the written information from the instructor or invigilator, will assign any additional disciplinary action which may be in order under the policy described above, and will inform the Registrar.
  • The Registrar will maintain a record of each offense in the student’s file.
  • The affected student has the right at any time to consult with a University counsellor and/or the student ombudsperson.
  • Except in circumstances where the matter has been referred to the President under Policy No. 21 Student Conduct, a student may appeal any decision or penalty under this policy to the Kwantlen University Appeals Committee. (L.6 Appeals of Academic Decisions).


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