
WELCOME! This is a brief introduction about the organization of the Anatomy and Physiology courses at Kwantlen University. It will present the course structure, content organization, evaluation, and other course policies.

This summary is meant to give you some background information about the design of the Anatomy and Physiology courses. It is important that you understand the emphasis of this design. There are two primary goals:

First goal: The student must be able to acquire, interpret and communicate ‘core’ facts and concepts describing and explaining anatomy and physiology.

Second goal: The student must be able to integrate this information relating it to models, displays and experiments encountered in the lab, using it to solve
problems and applying it to understand some basic pathology, pharmacology and microbiology.

These goals are viewed as basic pre-requisites for ensuring success (1.) in subsequent courses in the program (including pathophysiology and clinical nursing experiences), and (2.) in professions which are constantly changing.


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Anatomy and Physiology II Copyright © 2024 by Michael Kiraly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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