
Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Pressbooks Publishing

About Pressbooks

Pressbooks is an online publishing platform used by educational institutions around the world as well as authors and publishers. It is built on WordPress, and if you have used WordPress in the past, Pressbooks should feel familiar to you.

Pressbooks allows you to create content once and publish it in many different formats including as a website, PDF documents (print and digital), and EPUB (usable in most e-reading applications and devices). It also allows you to include multimedia and interactive content in the resource, like H5P activities and embedded video and audio.

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Get Started

If you are a member of KPU, you can log in using your KPU credentials by choosing the “Connect Via KPU” option when signing in.

The 5 Step Guide to Making a Book with Pressbooks provides basic instructions for creating a book. Use our Pressbooks Book Template to import templates for front and back matter content.

If you require further assistance, KPU’s Open Publishing Suite (OPUS) is happy to provide support for all OER projects at all stages of publishing.

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